Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

but in many cases violently assaulted or killed
merely for being against the norm.
This is why I don’t like the “fellow- travelers” who
would hold hands with extreme Islamists and walk
along the path with them to entirely illiberal ends,
believing they’re doing Muslims a favor, when in
fact they’re surrendering all those Muslims who
seek reform—to their deaths, in many instances—
by quietly acquiescing to regimes and principles
that would aspire to have them killed.
But there’s another side to this, of which we must
be careful. More so in Eu rope than in Ame rica, we
have a serious prob lem with the rise of the right
wing. In Greece, for example, the neo- Nazi party
Golden Dawn has had political infl uence. In Britain
we have had troubles with certain street movement s.
I was involved in helping Tommy Robinson leave
the En glish Defence League because he saw that it
was being infi ltrated by neo- Nazis, and he didn’t
want anything to do with that. After he left the
E D L , a n e w , s m a l l e r o r g a n i z a t i o n e m e r g e d , w h o s e
members started raiding mosques and handing
out Bibles in broad daylight while dressed in mili-
tary gear— which, as you can imagine, caused a lot
of community tension. East Germany is facing
acute problems with neo- Nazism.

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