Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

the dozen— and gleefully posting videos attesting
to the enormity of their sadism online. Far from
being their version of a My Lai massacre, these
crimes against innocents represent what they un-
abashedly stand for. In fact, these ghastly videos
have become a highly successful recruiting tool,
inspiring young jihadists from all over the world to
travel to Syria and Iraq to join the cause. No doubt,
most Muslims are horrifi ed by this, but the truth is
that in the very week that the Islamic State was
taking its barbarism to new heights, we saw a much
larger outcry in the Muslim world over the killing
of three college students in North Carolina, amid
circumstances that made it very likely to have been
an ordinary triple murder (as opposed to a hate
crime indicating some wave of anti- Muslim bigotry
in the US). This skewing of priorities produces a
grotesque combination of po liti cal sensitivity and
moral callousness— wherein hate crimes against
Muslims in the US (which are tiny in number, often
property- related, and still dwarfed fi vefold by sim-
ilar offenses against Jews)^12 appear to be of greater

  1. And this was true even in 2002, in the immediate after-
    math of the events of September  11, 2001; http:// www. f bi
    . gov / stats - services / crimestats.

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