Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

meal. Another meal for that day might be just cottage
cheese, or just a fish fillet.

The meal plans lasts 11 days, during which time
the dieter is supposed to be able to lose 9 pounds. After
these 11 days the dieter is allowed three ‘‘cheat’’ days
during which anything desired can be eaten, then the
diet can be begun again. The diet claims that it can be
repeated as often as desired until the dieter has
attained his or her goal weight.

When the dieter purchases the Fat Loss 4 Idiots
diet he or she will the be able to download the person-
alized 11 day meal plan. Dieters can also download a
‘‘Diet Handbook’’ that promises to give the dieter
other helpful diet secrets. There are no exercise recom-
mendations given by this diet, and no stress reduction
or other healthy living suggestions. There is no signifi-
cant support available for dieters on this program
from the program’s website or by telephone.


Fat Loss 4 Idiots reports that it allows dieters to
lose 9 pounds every 11 days. This is a diet intended
solely for weight loss, and is not intended to be a
general guide for healthy living. It does not include
exercise recommendations, recipes, or stress reduction
advice. The diet says that it can be repeated as desired
for weight loss. It allows three ‘‘cheat’’ days after the
diet is completed before the diet is begun again.


There are many benefits to losing weight if it is
done at a safe, moderate pace through healthy eating
and exercise. The risk of many obesity-related diseases
and conditions such as type II diabetes and heart
disease is higher for people who are very overweight.
Often this risk can be reduced by safe weight loss. This
diet, however, is not generally considered appropriate
for long term moderate weight loss.

Some dieters may find that the specific meal plans
provided are a considerable benefit of this diet. Dieters
do not have to make choices about which foods to eat,
or count calories or grams of carbohydrates. The
requirement of eating four meals per day may also be
beneficial, as it may help dieters to eat less overall by
allowing them to eat more frequently. This diet does
not limit the amount of food that can be consumed
except for saying that dieters should stop eating just
before being full. This may make the diet easier to stick
to for some dieters.


Anyone thinking of beginning a new diet should
consult a medical practitioner. Requirements of calo-
ries, fat, and nutrients can differ significantly from
person to person, depending on gender, age, weight,
and other factors such as the presence of diseases or
conditions. This diet may be of special concern
because it only allows a few foods to be eaten each
day. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should be
especially cautious because when the foods a mother
eats can impact a baby who is receiving nutrients from


There are some risks to any diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots
severely limits the foods that can be eaten each day. It
does not generally include many fruits or vegetables,
which are important sources of manyvitaminsand
minerals. This means that it is likely that the dieter
will not get enough of all vitamins and minerals
required each day for good health. It is difficult, how-
ever, to determine how severe the risk of deficiency is
because each dieter is given a personalized meal plan,
and quantities of food are not specified. Any dieter
thinking of beginning this diet may want to consult a
healthcare provider about a multivitamin or supple-
ment to help reduce the risk of deficiencies. Supple-
ments have their own associated risks.

Research and general acceptance

There have been no significant scientific studies of
the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. It is not clear what evidence
may support the idea that changing the types of foods


 Is this the best diet to meet my goals?
 Would a multivitamin or supplement be
appropriate for me if I were to begin this diet?
 Do I have any special dietary needs that this diet
might not meet?
 Is this diet safe for me?
 Is this diet safe for my entire family?
 Is it safe for me to follow this diet over a long
period of time?
 Are there any sign or symptoms that might
indicate a problem while on this diet?

Weight Loss 4 Idiots
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