of the menstrual cycle.Irondeficiency is also common
among females with poor diets or very low body
weight. The recommended intake of iron for females
is 15 to 18 milligrams (mg) per day. Good sources of
iron include red meat, dark green leafy vegetables,
legumes, and fortified breads and cereals.
Nutrition for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Good nutrition is important during pregnancy
andbreastfeeding, as there is an increased need for
calories and for most nutrients. A particularly impor-
tant nutrient during pregnancy is folic acid, one of the
B vitamins. Folic acid reduces the chance of having a
baby with birth defects of the brain and spinal cord.
Experts recommend that women of childbearing age
consume 400 micrograms (mg) of folic acid every day.
Pregnant women should consume 600mg per day.
Good sources of folic acid include dark green leafy
vegetables, oranges and orange juice, dried beans and
peas, and fortified breads and cereals.
Adequatecalciumintake during both pregnancy
and breastfeeding is also important, since calcium
is drawn from the mother. The recommended intake
of calcium during pregnancy and lactation is 1,000 mg
a day. A pregnant or lactating teenager needs 1,300 mg
of calcium a day. Before becoming pregnant, a woman
should discuss folic acid or calcium supplementation with
a physician, as well as multivitamin supplementation.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy may trigger
a condition called gestational diabetes. Gestational
diabetes is characterized by high levels of sugar in the
blood. The condition can be diagnosed by a screening
test between the twenty-fourth and twenty-eighth
week of pregnancy. Changes in diet and exercise are
often sufficient to keep blood sugar levels in the nor-
mal range. For most women, the condition goes away
after the birth of the baby. Women who have gesta-
tional diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 dia-
betes later in life.
PMS and Menopause
Many women seek medical help for premenstrual
syndrome (PMS). While nutrition advice often varies,
there is insufficient scientific evidence that any diet
modifications will prevent or relieve PMS symptoms.
A combination of good nutrition, exercise, and stress
management may be the best way to relieve the symp-
toms of PMS.
Soyhas garnered much attention in recent years as
a dietary treatment for menopausal symptoms. Soy is
a rich source of isoflavones, an estrogen-like substance
found in plants. Some studies suggest that regularly
eating moderate amounts of soy-based food products
can help decrease menopausal symptoms; however,
other studies do not support the idea. More research
is needed to gain a better understanding of the effects
of soy on menopausal symptoms.
During menopause, a woman’s metabolism slows
down and weight gain can occur. The accumulation of
body fat around the abdomen also increases. Exercise
and careful food choices can minimize both of these
Chronic Diseases
As women age, the risk of developing chronic dis-
ease increases. Women over age forty-five who are over-
weight, physically inactive, and have a family history of
diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a varied and bal-
anced diet, and engaging in an active lifestyle can reduce
the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes carries
many risks with it, including eye disease, nerve disease,
kidney disease, and heart disease.
Women are at a higher risk of developingosteo-
porosisas they age than men are. Osteoporosis is an
irreversible disease in which the bones become porous
and break easily. There are many factors that contrib-
ute to this disease, including genetics, diet, hormones,
age, and lifestyle factors. The disease usually has no
symptoms until a fracture occurs.
Diets low in calcium, vitamin D, or magnesium—
or high intakes ofcaffeine, alcohol, sodium, phospho-
osteoporosis. Good nutrition and weight-bearing exer-
cise, such as walking, hiking, or climbing stairs, helps
to build strong bones.
Antioxidant—Substance that prevents oxidation, a
damaging reaction with oxygen.
Fortified—Altered by addition of vitamins or
Isoflavones—Estrogen-like compounds in plants.
Menopause—Phase in a woman’s life during which
ovulation and menstruation end.
Saturated fat—A fat with the maximum possible
number of hydrogens; more difficult to break
down than unsaturated fats.
Women’s nutrition