Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

In the case of zinc deficiency, oral zinc therapy
usually results in the complete disappearance of symp-
toms, but it must be maintained indefinitely in indi-
viduals with the acrodermatitis enteropathica.
Excessive intake can be corrected by bringing lev-
els back to the RDA values.


It has been estimated that 82% of pregnant
women worldwide are likely to have inadequate zinc
intakes. Zinc deficiency has been associated with a
number of pregnancy complications, including low
birth weight, premature delivery, and labor and deliv-
ery complications.
The adverse effects of zinc deficiency on immune
system function are also likely to increase complica-
tions in children that have infectious diarrhea. Persis-
tent diarrhea contributes to zinc deficiency and
malnutrition. Recent research has shown that zinc
deficiency may also increase the harmful effects of
toxins produced by diarrhea-causing bacteria like
E. coli. Zinc supplementation in combination with
drinking plenty of liquids has also been shown to
significantly reduce the duration and severity of child-
hood diarrhea.

Parental concerns

Significant delays in growth and weight gain,
known as growth retardation or failure to thrive, are
common symptoms of mild zinc deficiency in children.
But since many of the symptoms associated with zinc
deficiency are general and also observed with other
medical conditions, parents should not assume that
they are due to a zinc deficiency. It is important to
consult with a health care professional concerning med-
ical symptoms so that appropriate care can be given.

Bogden, J., ed.Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Ele-
ments and Minerals (Nutrition and Health).Totowa,
NJ: Humana Press, 2000.
Challem, J., Brown, L.User’s Guide to Vitamins & Minerals.
Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, 2002.
Garrison, R., Somer, E.The Nutrition Desk Reference.
New York, NY: McGraw–Hill, 1998.
Griffith, H. W.Minerals, Supplements & Vitamins: The
Essential Guide.New York, NY: Perseus Books Group,

Larson Duyff, R.ADA Complete Food and Nutrition Guide,
3rd ed.Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association,
Newstrom, H.Nutrients Catalog: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino
Acids, Macronutrients—Beneficials Use, Helpers,
Inhibitors, Food Sources, Intake Recommendations.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1993.
Quesnell, W. R.Minerals: The Essential Link to Health.
Long Island, NY: Skills Unlimited Press, 2000.
Wapnir, R. A.Protein Nutrition and Mineral Absorption.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1990.
American Dietetic Association (ADA). 120 South Riverside
Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606-6995. 1-800/877-
American Society for Nutrition (ASN). 9650 Rockville Pike,
Bethesda, MD 20814. (301) 634-7050.<http://www
Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of
Health. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland 20892 USA.<http://ods.od.nih.gov>.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Infor-
mation Center. National Agricultural Library,10301
Baltimore Avenue, Room 105, Beltsville, MD 20705.
(301) 504-5414.<http://www.nal.usda.gov>.

Monique Laberge, Ph.D.

Zone diet
The Zone diet is a highprotein, low carbohydrate
diet. It is based on the concept that if people eat an
ideal balance ofcarbohydrates, proteins, andfatsat
every meal and snack, they will achieve hormonal
balance. This will control insulin levels and result in
weight loss and health benefits.

The Zone diet was developed by Barry Sears. Sears
has a Ph. D. in biochemistry, but no special training in
nutrition. He began working on this diet in the 1970s.
After his father died prematurely of a heart attack at
age 53, Sears began studying the role of fats in the
development of cardiovascular disease. In 1995, his
bookEnter the Zone, became a bestseller. Since then
he has written a dozen books and cookbooks about the
Zone diet, established a Web site, and developed a
program of home-delivered Zone meals, turning the
Zone diet concept into a multi-million dollar business.

Zone diet

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