from the nerves that pass through the spinal cord, as
well as other nerves such as those from sensory organs
involved in sight and smell. Once received, the brain
processes the sensory signals and initiates responses.
CERULOPLASMIN.A blue copper containing dehy-
drogenase protein found in serum that is apparently
involved in copper detoxification and storage.
CERUMEN.The waxy substance secreted by glands
in the external ear canal.
CHELATING AGENT. An organic compound in
which atoms form more than one bond with metals
in solution.
CHEMOTHERAPY.Treatment of cancer with drugs.
CHOLELITHIASIS.The medical term for gallstones.
People on a VLCD have an increased risk of develop-
ing gallstones from an increase of cholesterol content
in the bile produced by the liver.
CHOLESTEROL.A waxy substance made by the liver
and also acquired through diet. High levels in the
blood may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
CHOLINE.A compound found in egg yolks and
legumes that is essential to liver function.
CHONDROITIN SULFATE.A compound found natu-
rally in the body that is part of a large protein molecule
(proteoglycan) helping cartilage to retain its elasticity.
Chondroitin sulfate derived from animal or shark car-
tilage can be taken as a dietary supplement by people
with OA.
CHROMIUM.An essential mineral that must be
obtained from the diet and is important for the meta-
bolism of fats and carbohydrates and for insulin meta-
bolism, as well as for many enzymatic reactions in the
CHRONIC.Chronic refers to a symptom or disease
that continues or persists over an extended period of
CHRONIC DISEASE.An illness or medical condition
that lasts over a long period of time and sometimes
causes a long-term change in the body.
CHRONIC RENAL DISEASE.The permanent loss of
kidney function.
CHYLOMICRONEMIA.An excess of chylomicrons in
the blood.
CHYLOMICRONS.Intestinal triglycerides.
CIRRHOSIS.A life-threatening disease that scars
liver tissue and damages its cells. It severely affects
liver function, preventing it from removing toxins
like alcohol and drugs from the blood.
CISFORMATION.The arrangement of atoms where
hydrogen atoms sit on the same side of the carbon to
carbon double bond.
CLAUDICATION.Tiredness and pain in the leg mus-
cles that occur when walking and disappear with rest.
The cause is inadequate supply of oxygen to the mus-
cle usually caused by clogged blood vessels.
CLOZE TESTS.Tests of language proficiency and
what they measure.
COCHRANE REVIEWS.Evaluations based on the
best available information about healthcare interven-
tions. They explore the evidence for and against the
effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments in spe-
cific circumstances.
COENZYME.Also called a cofactor, a small non-
protein molecule that binds to an enzyme and cata-
lyzes (stimulates) enzyme-mediated reactions.
COFACTOR.A compound that is essential for the
activity of an enzyme.
to psychotherapy based on modifying the patient’s day-
to-day thoughts and behaviors, with the aim of changing
long-standing emotional patterns. Some people consider
CBT a useful or even necessary tool in maintaining long-
term weight reduction.
COLLAGEN.A long fiber-like protein found in skin,
bones, blood vessels, and connective tissue such as
tendons and ligaments.
COLON.Part of the large intestine, located in the
abdominal cavity. It consists of the ascending colon,
the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the
sigmoid colon.
COLON POLYPS.Extra tissue that grows in the colon.
COLONIC. Sometimes called colonic hydrother-
apy, a colonic is a procedure similar to an enema in
which the patient’s colon is irrigated (washed out) with
large amounts of water. Some people undergoing a
detoxification diet have one or more colonics to
remove fecal matter remaining in the intestines during
the diet; however, this procedure is discouraged by
mainstream physicians because of its potential risks
to health.
same treatments used in alternative medicine, but uses
them to supplement conventional drug and therapy
treatments, rather than to replace conventional medicine.