Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
hormone. One of the functions of thyroid hormone is
to regulate metabolic rate.

IDEAL WEIGHT.Weight corresponding to the low-
est death rate for individuals of a specific height, gen-
der, and age.
IDIOPATHIC.Used to describe a disease or disorder
that has no known cause.

fluid pressure within the blood vessels supplying the
brain. Obese women are at increased risk of devel-
oping this disorder.

IgE.A substance in the body that triggers the body
to release histamine when an allergen enters the body.
IgE is measured in allergy tests.

ILEUM.The last section of the small intestine
located between the jejunum and the large intestine.

IMMUNE SYSTEM.The integrated body system of
organs, tissues, cells, and cell products such as anti-
bodies that protects the body from foreign organisms
or substances.

IMMUNOCOMPROMISED.Having an impaired or
weakened immune system. The immune system pro-
tects the body from foreign substances, cells, and

IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT.Suppression of the immune
IMPACTION.The medical term for a mass of fecal
matter that has become lodged in the lower digestive
tract. Removal of this material is called disimpaction.

IMPULSIVITY.Acting or speaking too quickly (upon
impulse) without first thinking of the consequences.

INDICATED.In medical terminology, reviewed and
approved by the United States Food & Drug Admin-
istration, or the comparable agency in other nations,
for a specific use.

INFLAMMATION.A response of body tissues to
injury or irritation characterized by pain and swelling
and redness and heat.

INSOLUBLE FIBER.Fiber that cannot dissolve in
water; found in whole grains, breads, and cereals as
well as carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes.

INSOMNIA.The inability to sleep.

INSULIN.A hormone made in the pancreas that is
essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids,
and proteins, and that regulates blood sugar levels.

INSULIN RESISTANCE.A condition in which normal
amounts of insulin in a person’s blood are not ade-
quate to produce an insulin response from fat, muscle,
and liver cells. Insulin resistance is often a precursor of
type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes.

tion in which insulin fails to function normally in
regulating blood glucose (sugar) levels.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.A medical outlook combin-
ing aspects of conventional and alternative medicines.

occur when the leg muscles do not receive the oxygen
rich blood required during exercise, thus causing
cramping in the hips, thighs or calves.

Based in Switzerland it functions as a global alliance of
patient, medical and research societies, scientists,
health care professionals, and international compa-
nies concerned about bone health. Its aim is to develop
a world wide strategy for the management and preven-
tion of osteoporosis.

INTESTINAL FLORA.The sum of all bacteria and
fungi that live in the intestines. It is required to break
down nutrients, fight off pathogens and helps the body
build the vitamin E and K. An unbalanced intestinal
flora can lead to many health problems.

INULIN. Naturally occurring oligosaccharides
(several simple sugars linked together) produced by
many types of plants. They belong to a class of carbo-
hydrates known as fructans.

ION.An atom or molecule that has an electric
charge. In the body ions are collectively referred to
as electrolytes.

IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA.The inability to make
sufficient red blood cells that results in fatigue, short-
ness of breath, headaches and in ability to fight infec-
tions. It is common in pregnancy.

order that involves constipation and diarrhea, abdom-
inal pain, and mucus in the stool.

ISOFLAVONES.Estrogen-like compounds in plants.


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