OTOTOXICITY.Damage caused to the nerves in the
ear that are involved in hearing or balance. Ototoxicity
is a rare but serious adverse affect of loop diuretics.
OVERWEIGHT.A person is too heavy for his or
her height; someone with a Body Mass Index of from
25 to 30.
OVOLACTOVEGETARIAN.A vegetarian who con-
sumes eggs and dairy products as well as plant-based
foods. The official diet recommended to Seventh-day
Adventists is ovolactovegetarian.
OVOVEGETARIAN.A vegetarian who eats eggs in
addition to plant-based foods but does not use milk or
other dairy products.
OXIDATION.A chemical reaction in which elec-
trons are lost from a molecule or atom. In the body
these reactions can damage cells, tissues, and deoxyr-
ibonucleic acid (DNA) leading to cardiovascular dis-
ease or cancer.
OXIDATIVE.Related to chemical reaction with oxy-
gen or oxygen-containing compounds.
OXIDATIVE INJURY.Damage that occurs to the cells
and tissues of the brain and body by highly reactive
substances known as free radicals.
OXIDATIVE STRESS.Accumulation in the body of
destructive molecules such as free radicals that can
lead to cell death.
OXYTOCIN.A hormone that produces a calm,
relaxed feeling.
PALEOLITHIC.Human cultures of the Pleistocene
epoch, from about one million to 10,000 years ago.
PAMABROM.A mild diuretic found in several over-
the-counter compounds for the relief of premenstrual
discomfort and water retention.
PANCHA KARMA.An intensive one- to two-week
ritual of detoxification practiced in Ayurvedic medi-
cine that includes enemas, bloodletting, and nasal irri-
gation as well as fasting.
PANCREAS.The pancreas is a flat, glandular organ
lying below the stomach. It secretes the hormones
insulin and glucagon that control blood sugar levels
and also secretes pancreatic enzymes in the small intes-
tine for the breakdown of fats and proteins.
PARASITE.An organism that lives in or on a host; it
obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting
or killing the host. The parasites responsible for food-
borne illnesses are mostly single-cell organisms such as
amoeba, giardia, and trichomonas, while others have a
worm-like appearance.
PARASITIC.Feeding off another organism.
part of the autonomic nervous system that stimu-
lates the secretion of saliva, speeds up peristalsis,
and increases the flow of blood to the stomach and
PARKINSON’S DISEASE.An incurable nervous dis-
order marked by symptoms of trembling hands and a
slow, shuffling walk.
PAROXETINE.An antidepressant drug sold under
the brand name Paxil.
PASTEURIZATION.A process for partial steriliza-
tion of milk or beverage juices by raising the liquid to
a temperature that destroys disease organisms without
changing its basic taste or appearance. Pasteurized
fruit or vegetable juices are considered unsuitable for
juice fasts on the grounds that pasteurization destroys
important nutrients in the juices.
PATHOGEN.An organism that causes a disease.
PAU D’ARCO.A medicinal bark derived from a tree
native to the Amazon rainforest. Pau d’arco is often
brewed as a tea and taken as a diuretic or anti-inflam-
matory preparation.
PEAK BONE MASS. The highest level of bone
strength generally reached in the mid 20’s.
PECTIN.A water-soluble heterosaccharide (com-
plex molecule composed of a sugar molecule and a
non-sugar component) found in the cell walls of higher
plants. It is used primarily as a gelling agent in making
jams and jellies, but can also be taken by mouth as a
form of plant fiber to relieve constipation.
PEMMICAN.Dried meat pounded into a powder
and mixed with hot fats and dried fruits or berries to
make a loaf or small cakes.
PEPSIN.A protease enzyme in the gastric juices of
carnivorous and omnivorous animals that breaks
down the proteins found in meat. Its existence in
humans is considered evidence that humans evolved
as omnivores.
PERENNIAL HERB.A plant that lives for several
years with new growth appearing each year.
PERENNIAL.Reoccurring, as a plant that comes
back for more than one growing season.