Barium enema.SeeLower gastroin-
testinal (GI) series
Barium swallow.SeeUpper gastroin-
testinal (GI) series
Barrett, Stephen, 2:794
Barrett’s esophagus
GERD, 1:450, 451
heartburn, 1:507, 510
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
CSIRO total wellbeing diet,
defined, 1:150
3-hour diet, 2:922, 923
Basil, 2:803
Bauer, Joy, 1:429
Bay leaves, 2:802
BCKD deficiency, 2:649–654
BDD (Body dysmorphic disorder),
as cancer-fighting food, 1:162t, 163
Central American and Mexican
diet, 1:187, 188
folate from, 1:394
for inflammation, 1:56
MyPyramid recommendations,
Neanderthin diet, 2:702, 703
TLC diet, 2:924t
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1010
zinc in, 2:1021–1022, 1021t
in Argentinian cuisine, 2:887
barbeques, 1:24
labeling, 1:410
Sacred Heart diet, 2:846, 848
Beer, gluten-free diet and, 1:471
Behavior modification
Bob Greene’s diet, 1:111, 112
Cambridge diet, 1:155–156
childhood obesity, 1:209
Denise Austin plan, 1:259
Dietwatch, 1:296
obesity, 2:739
Optifast, 2:747
Optimum Health Plan, 2:749,
personality type diet, 2:797–798
Shangri-la diet, 2:863–865, 866
Sonoma diet, 2:883, 884
Trim Kids program, 2:937,
weight cycling, 2:1007
Weight Watchers, 2:1010,
See alsoLifestyle factors
Behavioral Medicine, 2:850
Behavioral therapy.SeeCognitive
behavior therapy
Belcher, Steve, 1:294, 352
Belladonna, 2:801
Benign prostatic hyperplasia/hyper-
trophy (BPH), 2:812,2:813,
Benzaldehyde, 1:164
Benzoates, 1:70–71, 74
Benzocaine, 1:281
Bergamot, 2:801
Beriberi, 2:837, 915, 916–917, 918
Bernstein, Richard K., 1:91, 92–93
Bernstein diet, 1:91–94, 172
Berries, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 163–164
The Best Life Diet(Website), 1:110,
Beta-2-microglobulin, 2:833
antioxidant, 1:59, 164
bioengineered into rice, 1:102,
health benefits, 1:177–178
phytonutrient, 2:803–804
sources, 1:59t, 177t, 2:964
Beta-carotene supplements,
Beta-cryptoxanthin sources, 1:177t,
178, 2:964
Beta-glucans, 1:165
Beta-oxidation in fat metabolism,
caffeine in, 1:143t, 144
Caribbean Island diet, 1:175
Native American diet, 2:697–698
Sacred Heart diet, 2:846
Shangri-la diet, 2:864, 865, 866
See alsoFluid recommendations;
specific beverages
Beverly Hills diet, 1:94–97
The Beverly Hills Diet(Mazel), 1:95
Beyond Pritikin(Gittleman), 1:361
Beyond the 120-Year Diet(Walford),
Beyond Vegetarianism website, 1:440,
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole),
1:72, 318
BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene),
1:72, 318
dietary practices in, 2:824–825
Maker’s diet, 2:643–644
vegetarianism, 2:952, 958
The Biggest Loser(television pro-
gram), 1:587, 589, 590
Bilberry, 1:275
Bile, 1:445, 543
Billings, Tom, 1:443
Binders, 1:397t
Binge drinking, 1:34
Binge eating, 1:91–101
bulimia nervosa, 1:132, 133,
Denise Austin plan, 1:259
Binge-eating disorder, 1:98–99, 100,
330 t
calcium, 1:148–149
celiac disease, 1:182–184
copper, 1:228
fat replacers, 1:368
iron, 1:616, 2:807
minerals, 2:689
molybdenum, 2:694
rawvs.cooked foods, 2:822, 824
riboflavin, 2:834
vitamin D, 2:768
Bioengineered food, 1:101–103, 102,
Biologic therapies for Crohn’s dis-
ease, 1:238–239
Biopsies, 1:159, 184
Biosphere 2 project, 1:50
Biotin, 1:103–106, 2:990t, 991
Biotin deficiency, 1:105
Biotin supplements, 1:103, 104
Birmingham Hospital cardiac unit
diet, 1:219
Birth defects
folate, 1:392, 394, 2:806–807
Meckel’s diverticulum, 2:664–667,
vitamin A excess, 1:7, 2:808, 966
Bismuth subsalicylate, 2:945
Black, Samuel, 1:424
Black cohosh, 2:683
Black cumin, 2:802
Black Hunger(Witt), 1:24
Black pepper, 2:802
Black raspberries, as cancer-fighting
food, 1:164
Black tea, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 166
Bland foods
for diarrhea, 1:277, 2:1018
Shangri-la diet, 2:864, 865
Bleaching agents, 1:397
Meckel’s diverticulum, 2:665–666
vitamin E, 2:986
vitamin K, 2:988
Blindness, vitamin A deficiency and,
2:965, 967
Blood cholesterol
DASH diet, 1:251
defined, 1:620–621
eggs, 2:778
factors in, 1:540t, 2:925
fiber, 1:315
fruitarian diet, 1:442–443
gallstones, 1:446
healthy heart diet, 1:502, 505
high-fiber diets, 1:522
levels of, 1:620t
monounsaturated fats, 1:375
NCEP classifications, 2:924–925
niacin, 2:711, 712
omega-3 fatty acids, 2:743–744
peanut butter diet, 2:790, 791
red wine, 1:426
rice-based diets, 2:838
saturated fats, 1:374–375
senior nutrition, 2:861
SNPs, 2:718–719