Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
ketogenic diet, 1:600
leptin effects, 2:843–844
low-carb diets, 1:169
Mayo Clinic plan, 2:663
Mediterranean diet, 2:677–678
Neanderthin diet, 2:704
nutrigenomics, 2:721
obesity, 2:659, 742
peanut butter diet, 2:788
raw food diet, 2:823–824
Seventh-Day Adventist diet, 2:955,
958, 961, 962
Shangri-la diet, 2:866
Slim-Fast, 1:618, 2:878–879
soy products, 2:892–893
St. John’s wort, 2:903
TLC diet, 2:927
triglycerides, 2:935
Trim Kids program, 2:940–941
veganism, 2:955
vegetarianism, 2:772, 774, 962
vitamin A, 2:965
vitamin B 6 , 2:970
vitamin E, 2:985–986
vitamin K, 2:988
VLCDs, 2:853
water and food consumed, 2:1003
weight cycling, 2:1006–1007
Weight Watchers, 2:1013
Zone diet, 2:1027
Clinistix urine tests, 1:272
Clostridiumspecies food contamina-
tion, 1:404, 413t, 414
Clove, 2:802
Clubs for weight loss and fitness.See
Weight loss centers
CNN, 2:951
Coagulation, vitamin K and, 2:988
Coagulation and vitamin K, 2:989
Cobalamin.SeeVitamin B 12
Cochrane review, 1:250, 2:903
Cockerham, Rob, 1:515
CocoaVia plan, 1:213
Coenzyme A, pantothenic acid and,
Coenzymes, vitamins as, 2:969–970,
Coffee, 1:143t, 144, 2:886
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
anorexia nervosa, 1:48
binge-eating disorder, 1:100
bulimia nervosa, 1:136
childhood obesity, 1:204
eating disorders, 1:332
encopresis, 1:350
Cognitive performance.SeeMental
Cold.SeeCommon cold
Coleman, Ryan, 2:905
Collins, Anne, 1:41–44
Colombian cuisine, 2:887
Colon cancer, diet and, 1:523,
Colonialism, European, 2:697

detoxification, 1:264, 265
juice fasts, 1:592, 594
Crohn’s disease, 1:238
digestive disease, 1:302
IBD, 1:561
IBS, 1:578
Coloring, artificial.SeeArtificial
Columbus, Christopher, 1:210
Combining foods.SeeFood combi-
nation diets
Comfort eaters, 1:212
Comfort foods, cravings and, 1:235
Comfrey, 2:802
Commercial grades of meat, labeling
of, 1:410
Commercial weight loss products.See
Weight loss products
Commission for Scientific Medicine
and Mental Health (CSMMH),
Commission on Accreditation for
Dietetics Education (CADE), 1:40
Commission on Dietetic Registration
(CDR), 1:40–41
Committed to Kids (CTK),
2:937–938, 940
Committee for Health Education
(France), 1:426
Common cold, 1:338, 2:977
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization
(CSIRO), 1:240
Communism, lifestyle and nutrition,
Complementary and alternative med-
icine (CAM)
for AIDS/HIV patients, 1:31
for arthritis, 1:65
for diabetes, 1:275
for dyspepsia, 1:325, 326
folk medicine, 1:25
metabolic medicine, 2:841
Optimum Health Plan, 2:749
supplements, 1:293
weight loss aids, 1:281–282,
Complete proteins, 2:635, 817, 894
The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet
(Tarnower), 2:850, 853
Complex carbohydrates
bodybuilding diet, 1:124
defined, 2:635
mental health, 2:728
sources, 2:636
See alsoWhole grains
Compliance with diets.SeeDietary
Computed tomography (CT)
cancer, 1:159
coronary heart disease, 1:233
digestive disease, 1:302

Congestive heart failure (CHF),
diuretics, 1:308
Congregate meal programs, 2:862
Conjugated linolenic acid (CLA),
Constipation, 1:222–226,1:223
encopresis, 1:349, 350
hemorrhoids, 1:510, 511, 512
IBS,1:577, 1:577–578, 579, 581
Construction phase (Fat smash diet),
Consumer Lab, 1:356, 467, 2:992
Consumer Reports, 1:536
Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of
Individuals, 1:147
Contrast colon x rays, 1:566
Controlled Fatigue Training (CFT),
2:999, 1000
Convenience foods.SeeMeal repla-
cement products; Processed and
prepared foods
Convenient consumers, 2:796t, 797
Conventional medicine
juice fasts, 1:593, 594–595
supplements, 1:293
Cook-up dishes (Caribbean Islands),
Cooking practices
Greek and Middle Eastern diet,
low-cholesterol diet, 1:621–622
low-fat diet, 1:624–625
low-sodium diet, 1:630
raw food diet, 2:822t
safe cooking temperatures, 1:417t,
Scandinavian diet, 2:848, 849
South American diet, 2:886
Cooper, Lenna F., 1:39
Copenhagen Heart Study, 1:424–425
Copper, 1:227–230, 227t
molybdenum absorption, 2:695,
as trace mineral, 2:691–692
Copper deficiency, 1:227, 228
Copper supplements, 1:227, 229
Copper toxicity, 1:228
Cordain, Loren, 1:180–181, 2:703,
Core exercises (Abs diet), 1:3
Core Plan (Weight Watchers), 2:1011
Coriander, 2:803
Coronary heart disease, 1:230–234,
French paradox, 1:424–428
men’s nutrition, 2:684–685
TLC diet, 2:924, 925, 926–927
transfats, 2:928–929, 930
triglycerides, 2:935–936
Corticosteroids, osteoporosis and,
Cosmetics regulation, 1:516


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