Atkins diet, 1:86
diabetes, 1:270, 272, 273
Ketogenic diets, 1:517,597–602
Ketones, urine tests for, 1:273
fat metabolism, 2:687
high-fat/low-carb diets, 1:519
high-protein diets, 1:525
ketogenic diet, 1:597
Medifast, 2:668
Scarsdale diet, 2:852
Ketostix urine tests, 1:273
Keys, Ancel, 2:673–674
Kidney diet, 1:602–605, 2:828–833,
829 t
Kidney diseases
causes, 2:828–829
dietary guidelines, 1:602–605
Hay diet, 1:497, 499
high-fat/low-carb diets, 1:519
high-protein diets, 1:525
low-protein diet, 1:626–629
low-sodium diet, 1:629–632
Kidney transplantation, 1:274
Kinase pathways, 2:719
Kirby, Jane, 1:365
Kitchen setup, ChangeOne diet, 1:193
See alsoCooking practices; Food
Koning, Fritz, 1:473
Konner, Melvin, 2:700–701
Koop, C. Everett, 2:737
Kordich, Jay, 1:591, 593, 594
Korean cuisine, 1:81
Korsakoff’s syndrome, 2:918
Kosher practices
defined, 2:826
food labeling, 1:410
in Israel, 1:486
Kraft Foods, 2:788
Krebs cycle, 2:686–687
Kris-Etherton, Penny, 2:743
Kt/V blood tests, 2:832
Kushner, Robert, 2:796, 797, 798
Kwanzaa, 1:25
Kwashiorkor, 1:151, 2:819
L-carnitine, fat flush diet and, 1:364
La Leche League International, 1:126
LA Weight Loss program, 1:607–609
Labeling.SeeFood labeling
LACTAID enzyme, 1:611
Lactase, 1:609–610
Lactate, 2:686, 688
Lactating women
biotin, 1:104t, 105
breastfeeding benefits, 1:127t, 128,
calcium, 1:146t, 147
choline, 1:215t, 216
chromium, 1:217t
copper, 1:227t
fiber, 1:382t, 521
fluoride, 1:390
folate, 1:392t, 393
magnesium, 2:639t, 641
manganese, 2:646t, 647
mercury in fish, 2:744–745
molybdenum, 2:693–694, 693t
niacin, 2:709t, 710
nutrition for, 1:128
pantothenic acid, 2:786t
peanut butter diet, 2:790, 791
protein, 2:816t
riboflavin, 2:834–835, 834t
selenium, 2:855t, 856
sodium, 2:800t, 801
St. John’s wort, 2:904
vitamin A, 2:964t, 966
vitamin B 6 , 2:968t, 969
vitamin B 12 , 2:972t, 973
vitamin C, 2:975t, 976
vitamin D, 2:979t, 981
vitamin D recommendations,
2:755, 769
vitamin E, 2:983t
vitamin K, 2:987t, 988
water, 2:1003t
zinc, 2:1021t, 1023
See alsoBreastfeeding
Lacto-vegetarianism, 1:612–617,
Lactose, 1:128, 609, 610, 610t
Lactose intolerance
defined, 1:300
diarrhea, 1:276
giardiasis, 1:454, 456
nutrigenomics, 2:716
osteoporosis, 2:768
treatment, 1:304, 305
Lactose intolerance diet, 1:609–612
Lactose intolerance tests, 1:578
Lambl, Vilem Dusan, 1:452
Lancet, 1:254
Landsteiner, Karl, 1:106
Laotian cuisine, 1:81t
Laparoscopic surgery, for digestive
diseases, 1:447, 451, 509
Large intestine, diseases of, 1:300
Last Holiday(film), 1:361
Latino diet.SeeHispanic and Latino
Lavender, 2:802
Law, Malcolm, 1:427
Lawsuits.SeeLegal cases
for constipation, 1:225, 226
detoxification, 1:264
for encopresis, 1:350
flaxseed, 1:388
herbal, 1:261t
for IBS, 1:579, 581–582
juice fasts, 1:591–592
LDL cholesterol.SeeLow-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
Lead contamination, 1:538
Lead points (intussusception), 1:566
Lean & Green meals, 2:668
Lean foods, labeling of, 2:731t
LEARN Program for Weight
Control, 1:342, 520
Leavening agents, 1:397t
Leber’s optic atrophy, 2:973
Lecithin, MSUD and, 1:216
blood type and, 1:106, 107, 108,
as cancer-fighter, 1:165
Leeuwenhoek, Antony van, 1:452
Legal cases
Dr. Phil’s diet, 1:322
Garden of Life, Inc., 2:646
Herbalife, 1:515
hoodia, 1:535, 536
infant malnutrition, 1:443
LA Weight Loss program, 1:608
Lehr, David, 2:809
Lemon grass, 2:803
Lemonade diet, 1:263–264
Lemons, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 165
Lente insulin, 1:274
bulimia nervosa, 1:134
Rosedale diet, 2:841–844
weight cycling, 2:1005
as weight loss aid, 2:742
Leptin resistance, 2:842
LES (Lower esophageal sphincter),
1:298, 448–449
Less fat foods, labeling of, 1:409, 624,
Letter on Corpulence(Banting), 1:517
Leucine, MSUD and, 2:650–653
Leviticus (Bible), 2:644
Levodopa therapy, low-protein diet
and, 1:629
Licorice root, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 165
Lieb, Clarence, 1:517
Life expectancy
Africa, 1:20t
anti-aging diets and, 1:50, 51, 52,
53, 2:1001–1002
Europe, 1:190t
Life insurance weight tables, 1:120
Life Without Bread diet, 1:518
Lifestyle factors
ChangeOne diet, 1:191, 192–195
coronary heart disease, 1:233, 253,