Volumetrics, 2:993–994, 995
water, 2:1003
Saturated fats
cholesterol, 1:285, 286, 621
coronary heart disease, 1:231, 233
French paradox, 1:424–428
healthy heart diet, 1:374–375,
high-protein diets, 1:525
hypertriglyceridemia, 1:549
low-fat diet, 1:623
as macronutrient, 2:637, 638
nutrition facts panel,1:408, 1:410
Scandinavian diet, 2:849
sources, 1:375t
Satz, Jay, 2:725
Savory, 2:803
Saw palmetto, 2:815
SCAN (Sports, Cardiovascular and
Wellness Nutritionists), 2:896
Scandinavian diet, 2:848–850
Scarsdale diet, 1:481, 2:850–854
SCF (Scientific Committee on Food),
1:75, 398
Schick, Bela, 1:403
Schizophrenia, nutrition and, 2:729
School nutrition programs, 1:175,1:199
Schumacher, Heidi, 2:937
Schwarzbein, Diana, 1:518
Schwarzbein Principle, 1:518
Science(journal), 2:744
Scientific Committee on Food (SCF),
1:75, 398
Scopolamine, 2:918
Scotish cuisine, 2:713–714, 713t
Scots pine, 2:802
Screening, Optifast liquid diet, 2:746
Scripps Clinic, 1:480, 481, 485
Scurvy, vitamin C and, 2:975, 977,
as ALA source, 1:9–11
food poisoning, 1:414–415
gout diet, 1:478, 479, 480
healthy heart diet, 1:505
for inflammation, 1:56
Neanderthin diet, 2:701
Pacific Islander diet, 2:784
Pritikin diet, 2:811
Scandinavian diet, 2:848, 849
vitamin B 12 in, 2:972t, 973
zinc in, 2:1021–1022, 1021t
See alsoFish
Searle Laboratories, 1:77
Sears, Barry, 2:1024, 1025, 1026
Seaweed/sea vegetables, 1:162t, 166
Sebum, 1:6
SEC (Securities and Exchange
Commission), 1:515
Secondary diabetes, 1:272
Secret bingers, 1:212
Secretor status, 1:108
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 1:515
Sedimentation rate test, 1:561
Seeds, 1:56, 2:702
Select grades of meat, labeling of,
Selective estrogen receptor modula-
tors (SERMs), 2:762
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
tors (SSRIs), 1:100, 136
Selenium, 2:854–857, 855t
as antioxidant, 1:59, 2:854, 855,
mental health, 2:730
sources, 1:59t, 2:855, 855t
as trace mineral, 2:691–692
Selenium deficiency, 2:692, 857
Selenium supplements, 2:856, 857
Selenium toxicity, 2:856–857
Selenophosphate synthetase, 2:855
Selenoprotein P (SeP), 2:855
Selenoprotein W (SeW), 2:855
Selenoproteins, 2:854, 855
Selenosis, 2:856–857
Self-awareness, 1:296, 2:1006
diabetes, 1:37
nutrition literacy, 2:731–736, 731t
Shangri-la diet, 2:863–865, 866
Self-esteem, 1:117–119, 209
Self-help groups, 1:100, 135–136
Self-management of diabetes, 1:91, 93
Semivegetarian diets
defined, 2:957
demi-vegetarianism, 1:612
detoxification, 1:264
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition
Program (SFMNP), 2:862
Senior nutrition, 2:858–863, 858t
anti-aging diets, 1:50–54, 220,
calcium, 1:146t, 147
chromium, 1:217t
fiber, 1:382t, 521
food contamination, 1:406
fruit recommendations, 1:440t
See alsoAging
SeP (selenoprotein P), 2:855
Separation of foods, 1:419
SERMs (selective estrogen receptor
modulators), 2:762
bulimia nervosa, 1:134
cravings, 1:235
nutrition, 2:729
Serving size, on nutrition facts panel,
1:408, 1:410
Serving size control.SeePortion
Sesame, 2:803
Set point theory, 2:864–865, 1006
Seven Countries Study, 1:425, 2:673,
674, 677
Seventh-Day Adventist diet
defined, 2:960
ovolactovegetarian, 2:772, 774,
purpose, 2:825t, 827
research on, 2:955, 958, 961, 962
veganism, 2:953
Severe dehydration, 1:257
Severe weight cyclers, 2:1005
SeW (selenoprotein W), 2:855
SFMNP (Senior Farmers’ Market
Nutrition Program), 2:862
Shaddock, Captain, 1:484
Shands Teaching Hospital, 2:673
Shangri-la diet, 2:863–867
The Shangri-la Diet(Roberts), 2:863
Shape Up! weight loss products,
1:320–321, 322
Shellfish allergy, glucosamine and,
Shelton, Herbert, 2:821
Shigellafood contamination, 1:404,
413 t
Shoku-Yu movement, 2:633
Short term diets
British Heart Foundation diet,
cabbage soup diet, 1:139–143
See alsoRapid weight loss diets
Shrigley, Elsie, 2:951
Sibutramine, 1:280, 2:740
Sick day diet, for MSUD, 2:652–653
Side effects, reporting of, 1:292, 295,
352, 353
Sigmoid colon,1:313
Sigmoidoscopy, flexible.SeeFlexible
Simmons, Richard, 2:839
Simple carbohydrates
bodybuilding diet, 1:124
defined, 1:170–171, 2:635
mental health, 2:728–729
Suzanne Somers plan, 2:910
Sinclair Baker, Samm, 2:850
Singapore, cuisine, 1:81
Single food diets.SeeMono diets
Single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs), 2:716
Six day body makeover, 2:867–870
Six week body makeover, 2:867,
herbal remedies, 1:261t
vitamin A, 2:965
vitamin D, 2:980
Skin allergy tests, 1:401
‘‘Skipping,’’ vegetarianism and, 2:957
Slavery, 1:23, 173–174
SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus),
Sleep disorders
caffeine-induced, 1:145
childhood obesity, 1:207
kidney disease, 2:829t
Slim-Fast, 1:618, 2:875–880, 876t
Slim-Fast Foods, 2:875