Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
chronic disease in Eastern Europe,
cravings, 1:235–236
Stress management.SeeRelaxation
String tests, 1:455
Structure claims, supplements and,
1:293, 490
Substance abuse
alcohol, 1:34–35, 191, 427, 2:918
diuretics, 1:307, 310, 311
ergogenic aids, 1:355, 356
Subway diet, 2:905–910, 906t
Sucralose, 1:78, 2:876
Sucrose, fructose intolerance and,
1:436, 438, 439
Sugar addicts, 1:213
Sugar alcohols, 1:75, 77, 79
Sugar Busters! diet, 1:360t
Sugar-free foods, labeling of, 1:409
Sugar plantations, 1:173–174
Sugar substitutes.SeeArtificial
Sugar Twin (aspartame), 1:77, 79, 318
Sugar water (Shangri-la diet), 2:864,
Sugars, natural
defined, 1:77
fructose intolerance, 1:436–437,
436 t
hyperactivity, 1:537–540, 538t
ketogenic diet, 1:598, 600
lacto-vegetarian diet, 1:615
menopause diet, 2:680
Native American diet, 2:697
oral health, 2:752
Scandinavian diet, 2:848
sucralose from, 1:78
Volumetrics plan, 2:994
Sulfanilamide, diethylene glycol poi-
soning with, 1:75–76
Sulfite oxidase, 2:693
Sulfite oxidase deficiency, 2:694–695
Sulfites, 1:71, 73
Sulfonylureas, 1:274
Sulforaphane, 1:164
Sulfur, 2:690–691
Sunett, 1:77
Sunlight, vitamin D and, 2:768, 981
Super foods.SeePower foods
Supplement Watch, 1:356
Support systems
Dietwatch, 1:296, 297
Dr. Phil’s diet, 1:321–322
eDiets.com, 1:340, 341
Jenny Craig diet, 1:585, 586
LA Weight Loss program, 1:607,
Optimum Health Plan, 2:750
self-help groups, 1:100, 135–136
Weight Watchers, 2:1010–1013
Supportive-expressive therapy, 1:136

Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition
and Health, 1:287
cancer, 1:160
coronary heart disease, 1:233
Crohn’s disease, 1:239
diabetes, 1:274–275
gallbladder removal, 1:447–448
GERD, 1:451
heartburn, 1:509
IBD, 1:561
intussusception, 1:567
liquid diets for, 1:617
Meckel’s diverticulum, 2:666, 667
See alsoBariatric surgery
Survival instinct, Warrior diet and,
2:997–998, 999
Sustagen, 2:876
Suzanne Somers weight loss plan,
Swedish diet.SeeScandinavian diet
Sweet & Safe, 1:77
Sweet basil, 2:803
Sweet ’N Low (saccharin), 1:78
Sweet One, 1:77
Sweet potatoes, 1:162t, 166, 2:777
Sweet Twin (saccharin), 1:78
Sweeteners, artificial.SeeArtificial
Sympathetic nervous system, Warrior
diet and, 2:999
Syndrome X.SeeMetabolic
Synthetic food additives.SeeFood
Synthetic sweeteners.SeeArtificial
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
Systolic blood pressure, 1:247, 544,

T helper cells, 1:26
T3 (Triiodothyronine), 1:567–568,
T4 (Thyroxine), 1:567–568, 2:855
Taco Bell food contamination inci-
dent, 1:418
Taenia saginata/soliumfood contami-
nation, 1:405
Take Shape for Life, 2:671
Tannins, 1:491
Tarnower, Herman, 1:481, 2:850, 853
Tartrazine, 1:398
TCM.SeeTraditional Chinese
caffeine in, 1:143t, 144
as cancer-fighting food, 1:162t, 166

Teasing, body image and, 1:118–119
Technology, Caveman diet and, 1:180
caries in, 2:752, 753
demineralization, 2:753
fluoride, 1:389–391
remineralization, 1:389
vegetarianism, 2:770, 776, 952, 957
Tegaserod, 1:579
Tempeh, 2:892
Temple phase (Fat smash diet), 1:371
10-Minute Meals Diet (Anne Collins
program), 1:42
Terpenes, 2:800
Terpenoids, 1:461–462, 463
Testosterone, DHEA and, 1:269
Tetracycline, thiamin and, 2:918
Tetrahydrolipstatin (THL).See
Tex-Mex cuisine, 1:188
Textured soy protein, 2:892
Texturizers, 1:397t
Thaumatin, 1:78
The Zone diet.SeeZone diet
Theobroma cacao, 1:210, 211
Therapeutic Lifestyles Changes diet.
SeeTLC diet
Thermogenesis, 1:282
Thiamin, 2:915–919, 916t, 990t, 991
Thiamin deficiency, 2:837, 915,
916–917, 918
Thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), 2:915
Thiamin-responsive maple syrup
urine disease, 2:651
Thiamin supplements, 2:916, 918
Thiazide diuretics, 1:308, 309, 310
Thickening agents, 1:397, 397t
Thin body ideal, 1:117, 118
Thin for Good(Pescatore), 1:493
Thioproline, 1:165
Thioredoxin reductase, 2:855, 857
THL (tetrahydrolipstatin).See
3-day diet, 1:219, 2:919–922
3-hour diet, 2:922–924
Thrifty Food Plan, 1:287
‘‘Thrifty’’ genes, 2:999, 1001
Thun, M. J., 1:424
Thurmond, Michael, 2:867, 868, 870
Thyme, 2:803
Thyroid hormones, 1:567–568, 2:855
Thyroxine (T4), 1:567–568, 2:855
Tillett, W. S., 1:55
Time(magazine), 2:951
The Times(newspaper), 2:951
Tindamax (tinidazole), 1:455
Tinidazole, 1:455
Tissue regeneration, protein and,
TLC diet, 1:501, 502t, 504, 2:924–927,
924 t
Tocopherol.SeeVitamin E


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