Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
University of Innsbruck, 1:439
University of Maryland, 1:551
University of Minnesota, 1:221, 2:677
University of Nebraska, 1:197
University of North Carolina -
Chapel Hill, 1:165
University of Oregon Medical School
diet, 1:220
University of Pennsylvania, 1:169,
218, 342
University of Rochester, 1:379
University of South Carolina, 1:529
University of Sydney, 1:476
University of Toronto, 2:790
University of Vermont, 1:341–342
Unlimited consumption foods,
CSIRO total wellbeing diet, 1:242
Unsaturated fats.See
Monounsaturated fats;
Polyunsaturated fats
Upper endoscopy
Crohn’s disease, 1:238
GERD, 1:450
ulcers, 2:945
Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series
Crohn’s disease, 1:238
digestive diseases, 1:303
GERD, 1:450
heartburn, 1:508
ulcers, 2:945
Urban legends, 1:139, 220
Urea, kidney diet and, 1:603, 604
Urea reduction ratio (URR) tests,
Uric acid, gout and, 1:478, 479
Urinary infections, BPH and, 2:815
Urination, prostate health and, 2:812,
2:813, 2:813–815
Urine tests, 1:272–273, 598, 599
URR (urea reduction ratio) tests,
Ursodiol, 1:448
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention.SeeCenters for Disease
Control and Prevention
U.S. Customs Service, 1:407
U.S. Department of Agriculture
bioengineered foods oversight,
cabbage, 1:142
carbohydrate recommendations,
eggs, 2:778
food contamination, 1:413
food guidesvs.dietary guidelines,
fruit, 1:442, 484
glycemic index diet, 2:794
healthy heart diet, 1:501
Hispanic-Americans survey, 1:530
labeling regulation, 1:407–410
meat quality inspections, 2:1019
nutrition education efforts, 2:733

organic food regulation, 2:755, 756
phytochemicals, 1:164
sugar consumption, 1:538
WIC program, 1:553
See alsoUSDA Food Guide
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS)
breastfeeding, 1:553
dietary guidelines, 1:287
food pyramid, 1:14, 18
HAART guidelines, 1:29
healthy heart diet, 1:501
Healthy People 2010, 1:26
You Can! campaign, 2:862
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
acid reflux treatment approval,
alcohol abuse medication
approval, 1:35
Alli approval, 2:759
antidiabetic agent approval, 1:274
artificial sweetener approval, 1:75,
76, 77, 78
benzocaine approval, 1:281
bioengineered foods oversight,
CFSAN, 1:516
consumer complaint coordinator,
dairy product labeling, 2:769
DHEA ban, 1:267
diet drug approval, 1:280, 281,
281 t, 2:740
DSHEA, 1:291–292
electrolyte supplement regulation,
ephedra regulation, 1:292, 294,
352, 353–354, 2:875
fat replacer regulation, 1:367–368
fen-phen, 1:379, 380
fiber labeling, 1:316
fish consumption, 1:505
folic acid fortification, 1:392
food additive regulation, 1:398
food additives, 1:395
food contamination, 1:413
fortified foods approval, 2:766
frozen foods, 1:434
Garden of Life, Inc. case, 2:646
ginkgo regulation, 1:462
ginseng regulation, 1:458
glucosamine, 1:465
gluten-free standards, 1:185, 472
green tea regulation, 1:489, 490
Herbalife, 1:515, 516
hoodia regulation, 1:536
infant formula regulation, 1:555
irradiated food, 1:575
labeling regulation, 1:407–410
menadione ban, 2:988
menopause supplements, 2:683
mercury warnings, 2:744–745

metformin approval, 2:742
nutrition education efforts,
olestra fortification, 2:981, 984,
orlistat approval, 2:757
osteoporosis drug approval, 2:762
preservatives, 1:68–69, 71, 72, 73
side effects reports, 1:292, 295
soy health claims, 2:892
SSRIs approval, 1:100, 136
transfats labeling, 2:929
yersinia monitoring, 2:1017, 1019
U.S. Government and Accounting
Office (GAO), 2:720
U.S. Senate, 1:199, 287
USDA.SeeU.S. Department of
USDA food guide pyramid
(MyPyramid), 2:946–950,2:947
adolescent nutrition, 1:14–15
adult nutrition, 1:18–19
British Heart Foundation diet,
Caveman diet, 1:182
ChangeOne diet, 1:192, 194
chicken soup diet, 1:198
childhood nutrition, 1:200–201
dairy serving changes, 2:764
DASH diet, 1:249
Denise Austin plan, 1:258
Dietwatch, 1:298
Hilton Head diet, 1:529
lacto-vegetarian diet, 1:613–615
Mediterranean diet, 2:675–676
vs.negative calorie diet, 2:708–709
NutriSystem, 2:725
nutrition literacy, 2:733
Optimum Health Plan, 2:751
Richard Simmons diet, 2:839, 841
Rosedale diet, 2:844
Sacred Heart diet, 2:847
senior nutrition, 2:859
Slim4Life, 2:874–875
3-day diet, 2:921
transfats, 2:929
veganism, 2:953
Volumetrics, 2:996
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1010
USSR (Soviet Union), chronic disease
in, 1:189–191
Utility beef, labeling of, 1:410

Valerian, 2:802
Valine, MSUD and, 2:650–653
Variety in diet
health and, 2:732
negative calorie diet, 2:708
phytonutrients, 2:804
Slim4Life, 2:874


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