espoused by most diets. Rather than simply providing
guidance on what to eat, ChangeOne encourages
exploration of the reasons for eating.
The ChangeOne program is a suitable weight loss
plan for most adults. A health care provider, however,
should be consulted before beginning any weight loss
program. The upper limit of 1,600 calories per day
may be insufficient for those with high physical activ-
ity demands. The use ofartificial sweetenersis not
appropriate for everyone. Readers should get clear-
ance with their doctors regarding ideal exercise type,
intensity and duration before beginning any exercise
Because this diet emphasizes sound patterns of
healthy eating, there are no significant risks in follow-
ing its principles. Dieters should note that the program
is not designed for rapid weight loss.
Research and General Acceptance
The ChangeOne program echoes the principles of
healthy eating promoted in the USDA Food Guide-
lines for Americans. In particular, the diet mirrors the
National Academy of Sciences’ Acceptable Macronu-
trient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) for fat,carbohy-
drates, and protein, which are 20 to 35% of total
calories, 45 to 65% of total calories, and 10 to 35%
of total calories, respectively. The recommended
intake of fat, as well as calories from unhealthy (satu-
rated and hydrogenated)fats,fiberandcalciumalso
complies with the recommendations set by the
National Academy of Sciences.
Much of the advice and strategies recommended
in ChangeOne have a strong scientific basis. The
authors substantiate their recommendations by quot-
ing research from reputable sources such as Harvard
University, Penn State University, the Journal of the
American Medical Association and the Center for
Science in the Public Interest. The authors also draw
data from the National Weight Control Registry, the
largest study of its kind investigating factors associ-
ated with successful weight loss and maintenance.
Lead author John Hastings notes that physicians
served as advisors in the development of the eating
plan. The diet was pilot-tested by volunteers, mostly
from the Reader’s Digest workforce. Participants lost
an average of 17 pounds over the 12 week program.
There is no mention of the number of participants
involved in testing the diet, and whether these results
bear any statistical significance.
Hastings, John.ChangeOne: Lose Weight Simply, Safely and
Forever. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest Associa-
tion, 2003.
Katz, David, and Gonzalez, Maura.The Way to Eat: A Six
Step Path to Lifelong Weight Control.Naperville, IL:
Sourcebooks, 2004.
Larson Duyff, Roberta, and the American Dietetic Associ-
ation.American Dietetic Association Complete Food and
Nutrition Guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons,
Napier, Kristine, and the American Dietetic Association.
American Dietetic Association Cooking Healthy Across
America. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Tribole, Evelyn, and Resch, Elyse.Intuitive Eating: A Rev-
olutionary Program That Works. New York, NY:
St. Martin’s Press, 2003.
Avenell, Alison, Sattar, Naveed, and Lean, Mike. ‘‘Man-
agement: Part I-Behavior Change, Diet, and Activity. ’’
British Medical Journal333.7571. (Oct 7, 2006):
Kaplan, Lee. ‘‘Keeping the Weight Off.’’Weigh Less, Live Lon-
ger (Harvard Special Health Report). (Sept 2006): p40.
Melanson, Kathleen. ‘‘Food Intake Regulation in Body
Weight Management: A Primer.’’Nutrition Today. 39.5
(Sep-Oct 2004): p203-215.
What would be a healthy weight for me?
What is a realistic time frame for losing this
Is it safe for me to start doing physical activity?
What are the best types of physical activity for
The ChangeOne diet advises the use of artificial
sweeteners instead of sugar in coffee and tea. Is
this safe for me? Are there any artificial
sweeteners that I should avoid?
How can I find a Registered Dietitian who can
support me in my weight loss efforts?
What groups and prgrams are available in
the community to help me with my nutrition
ChangeOne diet