Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

The goal of electrolyte replacement therapy is to
restore the body to its natural condition. When used
this way, electrolyte replacement does not interfere
with other drugs. Many drugs, however, have the
potential to cause electrolyte imbalances. When start-
ing a new drug, individuals should discuss possible
side effects with their healthcare provider.


No complications are expected when electrolyte
replacement therapy is used as directed. Seriously ill
individuals and those using long-term electrolyte
replacement therapy should have their electrolyte lev-
els checked regularly.

Parental concerns

Dehydration is a real threat to children, especially
infants and toddlers. Parents should be alert to dehy-
dration caused by illness or athletic activity and begin
oral fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy imme-
diately. Parents of young children with vomiting, diar-
rhea, or high fever should consult their healthcare
provider promptly about steps to take to prevent

Hawkins, w. Rex.Eat Right—Electrolyte: A Nutritional
Guide to Minerals in Our Daily Diet. Amherst, NY:
Prometheus Books, 2006.
American Academy of Pediatrics. 141 Northwest Point
Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Telephone: (847)
434-4000. Website:<http://www.aap.org>.
American College of Sports Medicine. 401 West Michigan
Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Telephone: (317) 637-

  1. Fax: (317) 634-7871. Website:http://
    ‘‘Electrolytes.’’ Lab Tests Online. April 11, 2005. [cited May 6,
    Kenney, Larry. ‘‘Dietary Water and Sodium Requirements
    for Active Adults.’’Sports Science Exchange 92.17, no.1
    (2004). [cited May 6, 2007].http://www.gssiweb.com/
    Micromedex. ‘‘Carbohydrates and Electrolytes (System-
    ic).’’MayoClinic.com May 21, 1998. [cited May 6,

Murray, Robert. ‘‘The Risk and Reality of Hyponatremia.’’
Gatorade Sports Science Institute. [cited May 6, 2007].

Helen Davidson

Elimination diets
Elimination diets are diets in which people stop
eating specific foods for a period and then challenge
their body by adding the food back into their diet and
evaluating how the body responds. Elimination diets
are used to detect food allergies and food intolerances.
They are not nutritionally balanced and are intended
to be used only for diagnostic purposes.

For centuries it has been known that some people
develop unpleasant symptoms (adverse reactions) to
certain foods that other people can eat without any
problems. However, it was not until the 1900s that
food allergies began to be investigated in rigorous
and scientific ways, and studies on food allergies
started appearing in reputable medical journals. Elim-
ination diets developed out of this scientific interest in
the effects of food on the body.

Adverse reactions to food fall into two main cat-
egories, food allergies, and food intolerances. Food
allergies cause a response by the immune system.
When a person has a food allergy, his or her body
responds to something in food by treating it like a
threatening foreign material. Immune system cells
produce proteins called antibodies that act to disable
this material. This process often causes inflammation
and results undesirable symptoms that range from
mild and annoying to life threatening. The reason
why some people respond to certain foods and others
do not is probably genetically based.
Food intolerances, on the other hand, also cause
adverse reactions, but these reactions do not involve
the immune system and are not life threatening. Lac-
tose (milk sugar) intolerance is an example of a food
intolerance. It is caused by the body producing too
little of the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Interest-
ingly, although surveys show that in the United States
up to 30% of families believe they have at least one

Elimination diets

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