Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

nutrients. Nutritional supplements and other forms of
nutritional help may be necessary.

There are a wide range of risks associated with an
anti-aging, reduced calorie diet. These risks include
physical, mental, social, and lifestyle issues.

Hunger, food cravings, and obsession with food.

Loss of strength or stamina and loss of muscle mass,
which can affect physical activities, such as sports.

Decreased levels of testosterone, which can be com-
pensated with testosterone supplementation.
Rapid weight loss (more than two pounds a week),
which can negatively impact health
Slower wound healing

Reduced bone mass, which increases the risk of

Increased sensitivity to cold

Reduced energy reserves and fatigue

Menstrual irregularity


Drastic appearance changes from loss of fat and
muscle, causing people to look thin or anorexic
Social issues can arise over family meals, since not
all family members may be on a reduced calorie diet.
Conflict related to the types of food served, the
amount of food served and the number of meals in a
day, and fasting may develop. Other social issues
involve eating in restaurants, workplace food, parties,
and holidays. The long-term psychological effects of a
reduced calorie diet are unknown. However, since a
low calorie diet represents a major change in a person’s
life, psychological problems can be expected, includ-
ing anorexia, binging, and obsessive thoughts about
food and eating.

Research and general acceptance
An anti-aging diet that restricts calories may slow
the aging of the heart and lengthen lifespan, according
to a study by Washington University School of Med-
icine in St. Louis, Missouri. The small study, released
in 2006, followed 25 people aged 41–65 who consumed
only 1,400–2,000 calories a day for six years. Results of
the study showed participants had heart functions that
resembled people 15 years younger and their blood
pressure was significantly lower than a control group
who had a calorie intake of 2,000–3,000 per day, the
amount of a normal Western diet.

A calorie-restrictive diet may reverse early stages
of Parkinson’s disease, according to a study released in

2005 by the Oregon Health and Science University and
the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Port-
land, Oregon. Researchers said mice in the early stages
of Parkinson’s disease who had their calorie intake
reduced by 50% had elevated levels of glutamate, an
essential brain chemical that is lost due to Parkinson’s
disease. Results of this study are optimistic, but fur-
ther research is necessary to prove any level of effec-
tiveness in humans.

Connor, Elizabeth.Internet Guide to Anti-Aging and Lon-
gevity. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press,
D’Adamo, Peter, and Catherine Whitney.Aging: Fight It
With the Blood Type Diet. New York: Putnam Adult,
D’Adamo, Peter, and Catherine Whitney.Aging: Fighting It
With the Blood Type Diet: The Individual Plan for Pre-
venting and Treating Brain Decline, Cognitive Impair-
ment, Hormonal Deficiency, and the Loss of Vitality
Associated With Advancing Years. New York: Berkley
Trade, 2006.
Delaney, Brian M., and Lisa Walford.The Longevity Diet.
New York: Marlowe & Company, 2005.
Goode, Thomas.The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-
Aging, and Fat Prevention. Tucson, AZ: Inspired Living
International, LLC, 2005.
Walford, Roy L., and Lisa Walford.The Anti-Aging Plan:
The Nutrient-Rich, Low-Calorie Way of Eating for a
Longer Life—The Only Diet Scientifically Proven to
Extend Your Healthy Years. New York: Marlowe &
Company, 2005.
Willcox, Bradley J., and D. Craig Willcox.The Okinawa Diet
Plan: Get Leaner, Live Longer, and Never Feel Hungry.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 2004.


 Do I need to take any vitamin, mineral, or other
nutritional supplements if I go on the diet?
 Will an anti-aging diet have any negative
impacts on my health?
 Are there other diets you would recommend that
would allow me to reach the same goals as the
anti-aging diet?
 How will restricting my calorie intake effect my
metabolism and energy level?

Anti-aging diet
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