In one version of the diet, people followed this
Breakfast consisted of a half-grapefruit or 8 ounces
(0.24 liters) of grapefruit juice, two eggs, two slices of
bacon, and black coffee.
Lunch was a grapefruit half or 8 ounces (0.24 liters)
of grapefruit juice, salad and salad dressing, and as
much meat as the person wanted to eat.
Dinner consisted of a half-grapefruit or 8 ounces
(0.24 liters) of grapefruit juice, salad or green and
red vegetables, and unlimited meat.
The evening snack consisted of 8 ounces (0.24 liters)
of skim milk or 8 ounces of (0.24 liters) tomato juice.
Some diets allowed fish or poultry. In one version,
the dieter ate eggs and grapefruit for every meal for
several days. There was no limit on the amount of eggs
eaten at lunch, a meal that included spinach. After
several days, the dieter could eat pork chops or lamb
chops. For some dieters in the 1950s and 1960s, the
plan was a steady diet of grapefruit and steak.
Most versions of the Mayo Clinic fad diet are
based on a 12-day cycle. For the dieter wanting to
lose more weight, the person diets 12 days, takes two
days off, and then starts the cycle again. Some plans
recommended starting the plan on a Monday so the
dieter would have the weekend off to indulge in for-
bidden items. Some dieters satisfied theircravingsfor
pastries; others enjoyed alcoholic beverages.
The New Mayo Clinic fad diet
The Internet in 2007 was among the sources of the
New Mayo Clinic Diet, a plan that expanded on the
original diet with more food choices. The new version
contained the information that the diet was not cre-
ated by the Mayo Clinic and was not approved by the
medical facility. Some sites carried evaluations of the
risks and benefits of the diet. Most advised the public
to consult a doctor before starting a weight-loss pro-
gram. Some versions advise people to exercise.
The dieter follows the plan for 12 days and is off
the diet for two days. The weight-loss plan consists of:
A breakfast of a half-grapefruit or 8 ounces (0.24
liters) of unsweetened grapefruit juice, two eggs pre-
pared any way, two slices of bacon, and black coffee
or tea.
A lunch of a half-grapefruit or 8 ounces (0.24 liters)
of unsweetened grapefruit juice, salad or raw vegeta-
bles from the allowed list, salad dressing that was not
fat-free or low-fat, and meat that was prepared any
way. Foods could be fried in butter.
Dinner of a half-grapefruit or 8 ounces of (0.24 liters)
unsweetened grapefruit juice, salad with dressing or
allowed vegetables, and meat. Vegetables could be
cooked in butter and meat could be cooked any way.
An optional evening snack of 8 ounces (0.24 liters) of
tomato juice or skim milk.
The vegetables allowed on the diet are red and
green onions, red and green bell peppers, radishes,
tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, cabbage, let-
tuce, green beans, chili peppers, cole slaw, and other
green vegetables including dill or bread-and-butter
pickles. Dieters may also eat cheese, hot dogs, and
one tablespoon (28.3 grams) of nuts each day. Mayon-
naise is also allowed.
Not allowed on the diet are white vegetables such
as potatoes and white onions, corn, sweet potatoes,
other starchy vegetables, breads, pasta, rice, and snack
foods such as potato chips and pretzels. Also forbid-
den are fruit and desserts.
People are advised to follow the all of the diet rules
because the combination of food supposedly burns
fat. The diet regulations are:
The amount of coffee or tea consumed should be
restricted to one cup with the meal because drinking
more could affect the fat-burning process.
No foods should be eliminated, and dieters should
eat the bacon at breakfast and salad during the other
The dieter must eat at least the minimum amount
required for each meal. When no amount is specified,
the person is may eat as much as needed until she or
he feels full.
The dieter should avoid eating between meals. If the
diet is followed, the person is not supposed to expe-
rience hunger between meals.
Some versions of the plan advise dieters to drink
64 ounces (1.9 liters) ofwatereach day. Diet soda is
allowed on some plans. The dieter may not see a
weight loss until the fifth day. At that time, the person
may lose five pounds (2.27 kilograms). Furthermore,
people may lose about one pound (0.45 kilograms) a
day until reaching their goal weights. Supposedly, the
diet works because it restricts the amount of sugar and
starch that create fat.
People use the Mayo Clinic fad diet because they
quickly shed pounds, and that loss affirms the diet’s
promise that certain foods burn fat. However, the loss
of pounds is caused by a restriction on carbohydrates,
which are found in breads, vegetables, and fruits.
Mayo Clinic diet (fad diet)