Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
Physical activity
Physical activity is a key element of the Mayo
Clinic Healthy Weight Program. The activity could
be exercises like walking and swimming or actions
involving movement such as gardening and house-
cleaning. Physical activity burns calories, which aids
in weight loss. Even fidgeting is helpful in shedding
pounds. Mayo Clinic studies indicated that the people
who gained the least weight were those who fidgeted,
moving around and doing activities like wiggling.
The goal of the Mayo Clinic program is for a
person to do a moderately physical activity for 30 to
60 minutes on most days of the week. Moderately
physical activities range from walking briskly to being
constantly in motion while doing yard work. This type
of exercise raises heart and breathing rates, according
to the Mayo Clinic. The person may sweat lightly.
The calories burned during an hour of walking at
a moderate intensity range from 250 to 340. The range
is based on the person’s weight and fitness level,
according to the clinic. Gardening for an hour would
burn 272 calories for someone who weighing 150
pounds (68 kilograms). In addition, a fidgety person
could burn 350 calories a day. That was the conclusion
of a 2005 Mayo Clinic study of the movements of 10
obese people and 10 thin subjects. The obese people
sat 2 one half hours more than the thin people; they
burned 350 fewer calories as a result.
The clinic advises people to begin an exercise pro-
gram gradually so that their muscles and joints can
adapt. An inactive person may need to exercise five to
10 minutes per day and then work up to a longer
exercise session. Walking is a popular exercise, and
the bookMayo Clinic Healthy Weight for EveryBody
features a 12-week walking program. There is also
information about a range of physical activities.

Goal setting
While losing a specific amount of weight is the
ultimate goal, the Mayo Clinic plan calls for setting
gorals related to activities instead of pounds shed.
Objectives should be specific, measurable and realistic
such as increasing the servings of vegetables consumed
or the distance walked. Weight-loss activity could be
entered daily in a food and activity diary. The Mayo
Clinic book has a daily food and activity record that
could be copied and used to track progress on weekly
and monthly goals.

Motivation is the incentive that helps a person
begin the Healthy Weight Program and continue to

follow the plan for life. The Mayo Clinic book con-
tains strategies for each of the 12 weeks of the pro-
gram. These include avoiding treats at work by going
for a short walk at break time. Other methods of
motivation include concentrating on the positive
aspects of weight loss and exercising with a friend or

Once a goal weight is reached, the dieter’s chal-
lenge is to avoid gaining back the pounds lost. The
Mayo Clinic plan recommends that the person con-
tinue exercising regularly and use the Healthy Food
Pyramid for meal planning. The Mayo Clinic set the
average daily calorie allowances at:
2,000 for the average adult.
2,200 for older children, teenage girls, most men, and
active women.
2,400 for teenage boys and active men.

The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Program was
designed to produce a gradual weight loss through diet
and exercise. The Healthy Weight Pyramid focuses on
the consumption of foods with low-energy densities,
foods that are generally low in calories. High-fiber
foods such as fruits, vegetables, baked potatoes, and
whole-grain products contain volume that causes a
person to feel full. Also contributing to the sense of
fullness is the fact that foods with fiber take longer to
digest. Since the weight-loss plan places no limit on the
amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, people
satisfy hungercravingswith lower calorie-foods.
The Mayo Clinic program also emphasizes phys-
ical activity. The combination of regular exercise and
nutritional eating could reduce the risk of conditions
like diabetes, heart disease, and strokes.
Weight loss is just one aspect of the Mayo Clinic
plan. The Healthy Weight Program also provides
guidance about how to recognize and modify behav-
iors such as overeating to relieve stress. The program
goal is for the dieter to make permanent changes in
order to maintain a healthy weight.

The benefits of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight
Program are illustrated by the tile of the book,Mayo
Clinic Healthy Weight for EveryBody. The program
shows people how to use the Healthy Weight Pyramid
and exercise in order to achieve a lifetime of healthy
living. People who follow the plan gradually lose

Mayo Clinic plan (endorsed by clinic)

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