Lean poultry
Protein is used in the body to repair and manu-
facture cells, make antibodies, enzymes and hor-
mones. Lean protein has been associated with lower
levels of inflammatory biomarkers.
When choosing poultry, choose grass-fed animals,
which tend to have a higher amount of essential fatty
acids. Select poultry with limited amounts of, or free
of, preservatives,sodium, nitrates or coloring. Also, in
an ideal diet, only 10-12% of daily calories should
come from protein. On average, an adult needs 0.36
grams of protein per pound of body weight.
Soy products
Anti-inflammatory properties of the isoflavones,
a micronutrient component ofsoy, have been reported
in several experimental models and disease conditions.
Data suggests the possibility of beneficial effects of
isoflavone-rich soy foods when added to the diet. Soy
products include; soybeans, edema me, tofu, tempeh,
soymilk, as well as many other products made from
Expeller pressed Canola oil and Extra Virgin
Olive oil are types of oils that have been linked to
reduced inflammation. Other oils thought to aid in
reducing inflammation include rice bran, grape seed,
evening primrose and walnut oil. It is suggested to use
these oils in moderation when cooking, baking and
flavoring of foods. Also, when purchasing oils, make
sure they are pure oils rather than blended oils.
Blended oil usually contains less healthful oils.
Water in the form of fresh drinking water
free of toxic chemicals
Wateris an essential substance for every function
of the body. It is a medium for chemical processes; a
solvent for body wastes and dilutes their toxicity and
aids in their excretion. Water aids in ingestion, absorp-
tion and transport of vital nutrients that have anti-
inflammatory effects. Water is also needed for basic
cell functioning, repairing of body tissues and is the
base of all blood and fluid secretions.
Herbs and Spices
A greater amount of research is emerging on the
antioxidant properties of herbs and spices and their
use in the management of chronic inflammation.
Herbs and spices can be used in recipes to partially
or wholly replace less desirable ingredients such as
salt, sugar and added saturated fat, know for their
inflammatory effects, thus reducing the damaging
properties of these foods.
Foods that irritate inflammation
Best referred to in research articles as ‘the western
dietary pattern’, it credits a diet that is high in refined
grains, red meat, butter, processed meats, high-fat
dairy, sweets and desserts, pizza, potato, eggs, hydro-
genated fats, and soft drinks. This pattern of eating is
positively related to an increase in circulating blood
CRP levels and higher risks for chronic diseases, obe-
sity and cancers. These foods, termed ‘pro-inflamma-
tory’ may increase inflammation, thus increasing a
persons risk for chronic diseases as well as exacerbate
symptoms from these chronic conditions.
There is some support for the belief thatfood
sensitivitiesor allergens to foods may be a trigger for
inflammation. Often hard to detect with common
blood tests, some people have seen alleviation of
symptoms of chronic diseases, such as arthritis, when
the aggravating foods are removed from their diet.
Common allergic foods are milk and dairy, wheat,
corn, eggs, beef, yeast and soy.
Other pro-inflammatory foods have been shown
to have substances that activate or support the inflam-
matory process. Unhealthy trans fats and saturated
fats used in preparing and processing certain foods are
linked to increased inflammation. Processed meats
such as lunchmeats, hot dogs and sausages contain
chemicals such as nitrites that are associated with
increased inflammation and chronic disease.
Saturated fats naturally found in meats, dairy
products and eggs contain fatty acids called arachi-
donic acid. While some arachidonic acid is essential
for health, excess arachidonic acid in the diet has been
shown to worsen inflammation.
Research supports that diets high in sugar pro-
duce acute oxidative stress within the cells, associating
it with inflammation. Elimination of high sugar foods
such as sodas, soft drinks, pastries, presweetened cere-
als and candy has been shown to be beneficial. As well
as switching from refined grains to whole grains.
The effects of the anti-inflammatory diet are
unobtrusive. There is a series of research articles that
demonstrate a benefit in reduction of chronic diseases
such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative dis-
eases, and cancers when following a dietary pattern
associated with the anti-inflammatory diet. But the
Anti-inflammatory diets