Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

may have a cardioprotective effect. Baking and broil-
ing are preferred over deep fat frying.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) reports that 64% of men seventy-five and older
have hypertension (high blood pressure), and African
Americans are at a greater risk. Termed the ‘‘silent
killer,’’ hypertension often has no physical symptoms.
Men often feel well enough to function normally in
their day-to-day lives, and they do not view the risk as
a serious one.

Being obese is associated with hypertension. Los-
ing weight helps to control blood pressure, and some-
times men are able to decrease or discontinue their
medication if their physicians determine it is no longer
needed. Getting men to move away from large por-
tions of fatty meat and potatoes and more toward
three ounces of meat on a plate of overflowing vege-
tables is one sure method to help prevent overweight
and manage hypertension. Additionally, some men
are sensitive to dietary salt (sodiumchloride). Eating
too much salt can cause the body to retainwater,
resulting in increased blood pressure. Processed
foods tend to be high in salt.

Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction,
occurs when a man cannot maintain an erection to
achieve orgasm in sexual intercourse. The National
Institutes of Health report that 15 to 30 million Amer-
ican men have erectile dysfunction. Many things can
prevent normal erection, including psychological
interference, neurological problems, abnormal blood
flow, and prescription medications. Certain health
conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, cause
men to experience impotence as well. Treatment may
consist of psychotherapy, prescription medication,
and surgery.

Prostate Health
A small gland surrounding the urethra, the pros-
tate supplies fluid that transports semen. The CDC
reports that 31,078 men died of prostate cancer in

  1. Signs of prostate trouble are hesitant urination,
    weak urine flow and dribbling, and incontinence
    (inability to control urinary bladder). Nutrition may
    play a role in prostate health. Besides eating a varied
    diet focused on overall moderation, researchers have
    shown benefits from lycopene, a phytochemical (plant
    chemical) that gives plants a red color. Foods contain-

ing lycopene include processed tomato products,
watermelon, and pink or red grapefruit.


Nutrition impacts health. Eating a good diet pro-
motes wellness and disease prevention for healthy
men, and sound nutrition helps manage chronic dis-
eases as well. Men often fall short of achieving a
healthful diet due to busy work schedules, fear of or
disinterest in cooking, and the stresses of daily living.
Simple steps to improve time management and a will-
ingness for experimentation in the kitchen are both
reasonable suggestions to help men eat more healthful
Apart from nutritious meals, men should visit
their physicians regularly, both for checkups and to
discuss the health implications of nutritional supple-
ments (protein powder,vitamin E, etc.). Routine phys-
ical exams, including blood tests for cholesterol, blood
pressure measurements, and cancer screenings, help
identify problems early, which can dramatically
improve outcomes. In addition, sixty minutes of exer-
cise daily helps weight management.

American Heart Association (2002).Heart Disease and
Stroke Statistics: 2003 Update. Dallas, TX.: Author.
Perry, Angela, and Schacht, Marck, eds. (2001).American
Medical Association Complete Guide to Men’s Health.
New York: Wiley.
Reichler, Gayle (1998).Active Wellness. New York: Time-
Life Books.
American Dietetic Association.<http://www.eatright.org>
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cen-
ter for Health Statistics. ‘‘Fast Stats A to Z: Heart
Disease.’’ Available from<http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cen-
ter for Health Statistics. ‘‘Fast Stats A to Z: Prostate
Disease.’’ Available from<http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases. ‘‘Erectile Dysfunction.’’ Available from

D. Milton Stokes

Mental healthseeNutrition and mental

Men’s nutrition
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