The benefits of weight reduction in overweight
patients with OA are a noticeable reduction in discom-
fort and improved range of motion in the affected
joints. The benefits of dietary supplements vary from
patient to patient depending on the specific joints
affected and the degree of erosion of the joint cartilage.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The benefits of dietary adjustments or dietary
supplements for RA vary considerably from patient
to patient. Maintenance of a balanced diet, however, is
valuable in preventing the nutritional deficiencies that
sometimes occur in patients with RA as side effects of
high dosages of DMARDs and NSAIDs.
Some general precautions for all persons with
Before beginning any form of dietary treatment for
joint pain, consult a physician to obtain an accurate
diagnosis of the type of arthritis that is causing the
pain. When RA is suspected, it is vital to get systemic
treatment as soon as possible to minimize long-term
damage to health.
Consult a physician before taking any dietary supple-
ments, as certain OTCs and prescription medications
can interact with these compounds. Chondroitin sul-
fate, for example, may increase bleeding time in some
people, particularly if it is taken together with aspirin.
Purchase dietary supplements only from well-
established companies that can be held accountable
for the quality of their products.
Do not stop taking any medications currently pre-
scribed by a doctor without consulting him or her.
If maintaining a primarily vegetarian diet, be aware
of the potential for iron deficiency.
People with either form of arthritis who are more
than 30 pounds overweight; are pregnant, nursing, or
under the age of 18; or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,
kidney disorders, or liver disorders should consult aphysi-
cian before attempting a weight-reduction program.
People with diabetes should monitor blood sugar
levels more frequently if they are takingglucosamine,
because it is an amino sugar. Similarly, persons who
are taking blood thinners should have their blood
clotting time checked periodically if they are taking
chondroitin sulfate. ASU has not been reported to
cause drug interactions as of 2007.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Plant oils containing GLA have been reported to
cause intestinal gas, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea in
some persons. In addition, these oils may interact with
other prescription medications, particularly blood thin-
ners. Some borage seed oil preparations contain ingre-
dients known pyrrolizidine alkaloids, or PAs, that can
harm the liver or worsen liver disease. Only forms of
borage oil that are certified to be PA-free should be
used. Last, evening primrose oil may interact with a
group of tranquilizers used in the treatment of schizo-
phrenia known as phenothiazines. This group of drugs
includes chlorpromazine and prochlorperazine.
Fish oil may affect the rate of blood clotting and
cause nausea or a fishy odor to the breath in some
persons. Some fish oil supplements may also contain
overly high levels ofvitamin Aor mercury. In addition,
patients who take fish oil supplements must usually
take them for several months before they experience
any benefits.
Most dietary supplements for OA appear to be
safe when purchased from reputable manufacturers
and used as directed. Glucosamine and chondroitin
sulfate have been reported to cause intestinal gas or
mild diarrhea in some people. ASU causes nausea and
skin rashes in some people.
Cost may be a consideration for some people, as
these supplements cost between $1.50 and $3 per day,
and are not usually covered by health insurance.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chinese thunder god vine is reported to weaken
bone structure and increase the risk of osteoporosis in
patients with RA. Fish oils with high levels of vitamin
A have been reported to cause vitamin A toxicity in
some people.
Research and general acceptance
No mainstream clinical studies have found that
patients with OA benefit from elimination diets. With
regard to dietary supplements, findings are mixed.
A major 4-year study of glucosamine and chondroitin
sulfate supplements, the Glucosamine/chrondoitin
Arthritis diet