Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

(Nora) #1

def printIntro():
print "This programsimulates a game of racquetball betweentwo"
print ’playerscalled "A" and "B". The abilities of eachplayer is’
print "indicatedby a probability (a number between 0 and 1) that"
print "the playerwins the point when serving. Player A always"
print "has the firstserve."

def getInputs():

Returns the threesimulation parameters

a = input("Whatis the prob. player A wins a serve? ")
b = input("Whatis the prob. player B wins a serve? ")
n = input("Howmany games to simulate? ")
return a, b, n

def simNGames(n, probA,probB):

Simulates n gamesof racquetball between players whose

abilitiesare represented by the probability of winninga serve.

RETURNS numberof wins for A and B

winsA = winsB = 0
for i in range(n):
scoreA, scoreB= simOneGame(probA, probB)
if scoreA > scoreB:
winsA = winsA+ 1
winsB = winsB+ 1
return winsA, winsB

def simOneGame(probA, probB):

Simulates a singlegame or racquetball between players whose

abilitiesare represented by the probability of winninga serve.

RETURNS finalscores for A and B

serving = "A"
scoreA = 0
scoreB = 0
while not gameOver(scoreA,scoreB):
if serving== "A":
if random()< probA:
scoreA = scoreA+ 1
serving = "B"
if random()< probB:
scoreB = scoreB+ 1
serving = "A"
return scoreA,scoreB

def gameOver(a, b):

a and b representscores for a racquetball game

RETURNS trueif the game is over, false otherwise.

return a==15 or b==15

def printSummary(winsA, winsB):

Prints a summaryof wins for each player.

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