Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

In most cases, a simple random sample and a
systematic sample yield equivalent results. One
important situation in which systematic sampling
cannot be substituted for simple random sampling
occurs when the elements in a sample are organized
in some kind of cycle or pattern. For example, our
sampling frame is organized as a list of married
couples with the male first and the female second
(see Table 1). Such a pattern gives us an unrepre-
sentative sample if systematic sampling is used. Our
systematic sample can be nonrepresentative and
include only wives because of the organization of
the cases. When our sample frame is organized as
couples, even-numbered sampling intervals result
in samples with all husbands or all wives.
Figure 3 illustrates simple random sampling
and systematic sampling. Notice that different
names were drawn in each sample. For example,
H. Adams appears in both samples, but C. Droullard

This says you can be 95 percent confident that the
population parameter lies somewhere between 66.48
and 113.52 pounds. You determined the upper and
lower limits by adding and subtracting an amount to
the sample mean (90 pounds in your example). You
use 1.96 because it is the z-score when you want to
be 95 percent confident. You calculated 12 as the
standard error of the mean based on your sample size
and the standard deviation of your sample.
You might see the wide range of 66 to 113 pounds
and think it is large, and you might ask why is the
sample small, with just nine children?
Here is how increasing the sample size affects the
confidence interval. Let us say that instead of a
sample of nine children you had 900 12-year-olds
(luckily the square root of 900 is easy to figure out:
30). If everything remained the same, your σmwith
a sample of 900 is 36/30 1.2. Now your confidence
interval is as follows
Lower limit 90 (1.96)(1.2) 87.765
Upper limit 90 (1.96)(1.2) 92.352
With the much larger sample size, you can be 95 per-
cent confident that the population parameter of

average weight is somewhere between 87.765 and
92.352 pounds.
Here is how having a very homogeneous sample
affects the confidence interval. Let us say that you
had a standard deviation of 3.6 pounds, not 36
pounds. If everything else remained the same, your
σmwith a standard deviation of 3.6 is 3.6/9 0.4
Now your confidence interval is as follows
Lower limit 90 (1.96)(0.4) 89.215
Upper limit 90 (1.96)(0.4) 90.784
With the very homogeneous sample, you can be
95 percent confident that the population parameter
of average weight is somewhere between 89.215 and
90.784 pounds.
Let us review the confidence intervals as sample
size and standard deviation change:
Sample size 9, standard deviation 36. Confi-
dence interval is 66 to 113 pounds.
Sample size 900, standard deviation 36. Confi-
dence interval is 87.765 to 92.352 pounds.
Sample size 9, standard deviation 3.6 pounds.
Confidence interval is 89.215 to 90.784 pounds.



TABLE 1 Problems with Systematic Sampling
of Cyclical Data

1 Husband
2 a Wife
3 Husband
4 Wife
5 Husband
6 a Wife
7 Husband
8 Wife
9 Husband
10 a Wife
11 Husband
12 Wife

Random start = 2; Sampling interval = 4.
aSelected into sample.
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