Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

  1. For information on the confederate flag issue, see
    Cooper and Knotts (2006), Holyfield, Moltz, and Bradley
    (2009), and Newman (2007).

  2. On social indicators, see Bauer (1966), Carley
    (1981), Duncan (1984:233–235), Juster and Land (1981),
    Land (1992), Rossi and Gilmartin (1980), and Taylor
    (1980). Also see Ferriss (1988) on using social indicators
    for planning and social forecasting.

  3. See Herbert (2003), Miringoff and Opdycke (2007),
    and Ravo (1996).

  4. Many non-English language yearbooks are also
    produced; for example,Statistisches Jahrbuchfor the
    Federal Republic of Germany,Annuaire Statistique de
    la Francefor France, Year Book Australia for Australia,
    and Denmark’s Statiskisk Ti Arsoversigt.Japan produces
    an English version of its yearbook called the Statistical
    Handbook of Japan.

  5. Guides to government include the Guide to British
    Government Publications,Australian official publications,
    and Irish official publications. Similar publications exist
    for most nations. For example,DOD’s Parliamentary
    Companion for the United Kingdomand the Parliamentary
    Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australiaare both
    similar to the Almanac of American Politics.

  6. See Churchill (1983:140–167) and Stewart (1984)
    for lists of business information sources.
    16. Other major U.S. archives of survey data include
    the National Opinion Research Center, University of
    Chicago; the Survey Research Center, University of
    California–Berkeley; the Behavioral Sciences Labora-
    tory, University of Cincinnati; Data and Program Library
    Service, University of Wisconsin–Madison; the Roper
    Center, University of Connecticut–Storrs; and the Insti-
    tute for Research in Social Science, University of North
    Carolina–Chapel Hill. Also see Kiecolt and Nathan
    (1985) and Parcel (1992).
    17. See Alwin (1988) and Davis and Smith (1992).
    18. For a discussion of these issues, see Dale et al.
    (1988:27–31), Horn (1993:138), Maier (1991), and Par-
    cel (1992).
    19. See Stevenson (1996).
    20. See The Economist,“The Good Statistics Guide”
    (September 11, 1993); “The Overlooked Housekeeper”
    (February 5, 1994); and “Fewer Damned Lies?” (March
    30, 1996). Also see “U.N. Urges Fiscal Accounting to
    Include Sex Trade,”New York Times(August 20, 1998).
    21. See Block and Burns (1986), Carr-Hill (1984a), Hin-
    dess (1973), Horn (1993), Maier (1991), and Van den
    Berg and Van der Veer (1985). Discussions by Norris
    (1981) and Starr (1987) are also helpful.

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