Basic Mathematics for College Students

(Nandana) #1
2.6 Order of Operations and Estimation 191

  1. THE FEDERAL BUDGET See the graph below.
    Suppose you were hired to write a speech for a
    politician who wanted to highlight the improvement
    in the federal government’s finances during the
    1990s. Would it be better for the politician to talk
    about the mean (average) budget deficit/surplus for
    the last half of the decade, or for the last four years
    of that decade? Explain your reasoning.
    106. ESTIMATION Quickly determine a reasonable
    estimate of the exact answer in each of the following
    a. A submarine, cruising at a depth of feet,
    descends another 605 feet. What is the depth of
    the submarine?

b. A married couple has assets that total $840,756
and debts that total $265,789. What is their net

c. According to, the top five
online poker losses as of January 2009 were
$52,256; $52,235; $31,545; $28,117; and $27,475.
Find the total amount lost.


  1. When evaluating expressions, why is the order of
    operations rule necessary?

  2. In the rules for the order of operations, what does
    the phrase as they occur from left to rightmean?

  3. Explain the error in each evaluation below.


  1. Describe a situation in daily life where you use


  1. On the number line, what number is
    a. 4 units to the right of?

b. 6 units to the left of 2?

  1. Is 834,540 divisible by: a. 2 b. 3 c. 4
    d. 5 e. 6 f. 9 g. 10

  2. ELEVATORS An elevator has a weight capacity of
    1,000 pounds. Seven people, with an average weight
    of 140 pounds, are in it. Is it overloaded?

  3. a. Find the LCM of 12 and 44.

b. Find the GCF of 12 and 44.



 70  50

 1  804  90  1  80  50


80 (2)4 80 (8)


Deficit Year Surplus
–164 1995



U.S. Budget Deficit/Surplus
($ billions)

  1. SCOUTING REPORTS The illustration below
    shows a football coach how successful his opponent
    was running a “28 pitch” the last time the two teams
    met. What was the opponent’s mean (average) gain
    with this play?

Play:_________^28 pitch

Gain 16 yd

Gain 4 yd

Gain 10 yd

Loss 4 yd

Loss 2 yd
Gain 66 yd

No gain

Loss 2 yd

  1. ESTIMATION Quickly determine a reasonable
    estimate of the exact answer in each of the following
    a. A scuba diver, swimming at a depth of 34 feet
    below sea level, spots a sunken ship beneath him.
    He dives down another 57 feet to reach it. What
    is the depth of the sunken ship?

b. A dental hygiene company offers a money-back
guarantee on its tooth whitener kit. When the kit
is returned by a dissatisfied customer, the
company loses the $11 it cost to produce it,
because it cannot be resold. How much money
has the company lost because of this return
policy if 56 kits have been mailed back by
c. A tram line makes a 7,891-foot descent from a
mountaintop in 18 equal stages. How much does
it descend in each stage?
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