political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

that all sides will exceed their BATNA (and thusWnd a mutually advantageous
outcome). Value creating requires the parties to play the ‘‘game’’ of ‘‘what if ?’’ That
is, each party needs to explore possible trades to determine which would leave them
better oV. So, one side might ask the other, ‘‘What if we added ‘more A’ and assumed
‘less B’ in the package? Would you like that better?’’ The other might say, ‘‘Yes, that’s

Estimate your BestAlternative to NegotiatedAgreement (BATNA)and theirs
Improve your BATNA(if possible)
Know your interestsThink about their interests

Explore interestson both sidesSuspend criticism

Behave in ways thatbuild trust
Discuss standardsor criteria for


Agree on monitoringarrangementsMake it easy tolive up to commitments
Align organizationalincentives and controlsKeep working toimprove relationships
Agree to use neutralsto resolvedisagreements

Use neutrals to suggestpossible distibutions
Design nearlyself-enforcingagreements

Invent withoutcommitting
Generate options andpackages that"make the pie larger"
Use neutrals to improvecommunication

Prepare to suggestmutually beneficialoptions

Clarify your mandateand define your team





Fig. 13.1. Mutual gains approach to negotiation

Source: Susskind, Mckearnan, and Thomas Lamar 1999.

arguing, bargaining, and getting agreement 281
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