Tamuz, M 11
Tarrow, S G 25
Taylor, A 433 n 8
Taylor, Frederick 61
Taylor, J A 472 , 475
Taylor, M 291 , 351 n 18
Taylor, R C R 561
Teles, S 642 n 17
Teller, Edward 789
Telman, A S 834 n 4
Tenenbaum, E 876 , 886
Tenkasi, R V 377 n 14
Teubner, G 654 , 663
Thacher, David 110 , 120 n 14 , 393 , 396
Thatcher, M 427 , 429 , 435 , 652 , 660 , 661
Thatcher, Margaret 17 , 156 , 162 ,163 4, 498 ,
501 , 896 n 1 , 904
Thee, M 772 n 4
Theiss Morse, E 669 n 1
Thelen, K 561
The ́venot, L 411
Thoenig, J C 428 n 2
Thomas,D 23
Thomas, W H 757
Thomas Lamar, Jennifer 276 , 284
Thompson, D 52 , 270 , 284 , 420 , 726
Thompson, D F 701
Thompson, E P 775 , 798 n 29
Thompson, F 485
Thompson, Grahame 193 , 439 n 10 , 591 ,
592 n 7 , 594 , 597 , 599
Thompson, J D 428 n 2
Thompson, M 251 , 573 , 575 , 576
Thompson, Tommy 254
Thornton, T N 177
Throgmorton, J A 260
Thucydides 87
Tietje, O 417
Tilley, N 323
Tilly, C 10
Timpane, P 311 , 810
Titmuss, R 306
Tobin, J610 11
To rWng, J 261
Torgerson, Douglas 49 , 201 , 418
Torrance, G 757
Toulmin, Stephen 117 n 11
Towne, L 825
Townsend, Francis 868
Toynbee, Arnold 92
Travers, Tony 154 , 157 , 212 , 640 , 896 n 1
Traxler, F 598 n 10
Trosa, S 450
Trubek, D M 248
Truman, David 209 , 344 , 558
Truman, Harry S 5 , 548
Tsebelis, G 567
Tsipis, K 785 n 21
Tugwell, Franklin 876 , 885
Tullock, G 607 , 732
Tuohy, C H 903
Turco, R 26
Turner, R K 751
Tussman, J 701
Tversky, A 256 , 283 , 390 n 2 , 633 , 760
Tyler, Ralph 809
Tyler, T R 694
Ugland, T 694
Ulen, Thomas 358
Umemoto, K 130 , 139
United States National Academy of
Sciences 721
Urban Institute 488
Ury, William 272 , 280 , 283
US Comptroller General 14
US Social Security Administration 488
Usher, P 849
Uslaner, E M 881
Uyeno, D 740
vanden Bergh, J C J M 703 n 5
Van den Bosch, K 301 , 306
Van der Klaauw, W 298
Van Eeten, M 327 , 440
Van Evera, S 6 , 7 , 774 n 10 , 779 n 17 , 785 , 794 ,
795 , 797 , 799
van Gunsteren, H 4 n 3 , 252 , 430 , 439
van Horn, C 483
Van Maanen, J 693
van Mechelen, D 157 n 7
van Meter, D 483
Van Mondfrans, A 738
van Twist, J W 440
name index 933