abortion, and values disputes 273
Abt Associates 816
Abu Ghraib prison 508
accommodative policy analysis 191 , 192
accountability182 3
and democratic deficits671 2
and democratic policy process
participatory reform680 1
use of participatory forums679 80
and globalization588 9
and independent agencies 662
and networks439 40, 486
and New Public Management459 60
and nuclear systems analysis 798
and representative democracy 9
accounting identities, and constraints on
public policy:
budget balance constraint530 3
external balance constraint 533 4
national income 534
accretion effect, and regulatory policy 361
and institutions of democratic
governance 691
and policy studies 6
and reconciling logics of701 5
and rules of appropriateness 689 , 690 ,
692 6
dynamics of696 700
activities, and origins of policy:
club regulation 222
non decisions220 1
street level bureaucrats221 2
actor centered institutionalism, and policy
networks431 2
actor structure problem 254
administration, and politics 61
administrativediscretion 63
see alsodiscretion
Administrative Dispute Resolution Act
(USA, 1996 ) 290
administrative law, and reason giving 7
Administrative Procedure Act (USA) 235 ,
Adoption and Children Act (UK, 2002 ) 211
adverse selection, and information
asymmetry 630
advice,seepolicy advice
advocacy coalitions:
and beliefs255 6, 374
and explaining change436 7
and human rights protection 13
and issue networks 428
and learning373 4
and momentum 347
as ordering device 256
and policy making 24
running out ideas 25
and learning380 1
and power 547
agency losses:
and information asymmetry 631
and organizational structure 639
agenda setting:
and control over the agenda229 32
congressional committees230 1
European Commission231 2
importance of 230
McKelvey Schofield ‘chaos
theorem’229 30
and democratic theory 232
control of independent agencies235 6
government by discussion233 4
independent agency discretion236 8
regulatory state234 8