capital markets, andWnancial market
integration599 600
capital mobility:
and foreign direct investment597 8
and globalization589 90
and ‘impossible trinity’ of policy
choices537 8
capital punishment 898
Carnegie Mellon University, and School of
Urban and Public AVairs 64
casuistry, and conXicting policy ends 110 ,
categorization576 7
Central Park Conservancy 511 , 518
Central Policy Review StaV(UK) 156 ,163 4,
and central control 14 ,17 18
Wction of 18
and government as steering 15
and indicative planning 18
Centre for Management and Policy Studies
(UK) 159 , 164
ceremony, and critical listening 142
chance, and role in agenda setting216 17
change,seepolicy change; dynamics
chaos theory229 30,354 5
and self organizing systems 355
Chicago, and community policing 682
Chicago school 574 6
child abuse 27
child welfare:
and ethical questions 714 ,718 19, 720
andfamily failure634 5
and unattainable objectives393 4
and United Kingdom 899 , 900
China, and energy policy 723 , 724 , 874 ,
choice, and policy making296 7
see alsopublic choice
Chrysler 514
Citizen Juries674 5
Citizen’s Charter (UK) 159
and appropriateness 692
and democracy 172
and public policy 169
creation of dis/advantaged
populations 179
democracy gap179 80
democratic deWcits671 3
impact of messages delivered by 178
impact on citizen identity 179
New Deal’s construction of dual
citizenship178 9
open public forums 174 ,177 8
Civil Aeronautics Board (USA) 237
civil recovery 220
civil rights movement 25 , 46 , 345
civil service:
and administrative discretion 63
and central role of 372
and United Kingdom:
change from generalists to
managers158 60
departmental point of view165 6
duty to give advice 161
impactof decline of the
generalist160 1
and United States:
administrative discretion 63
Pendleton Act ( 1883 ) 61
see alsobureaucracy; New Public
Management; street level bureaucrats
civil society:
and concern over vitality of 171
and cooperation 625
and failures of voluntary
cooperation634 6
and impact of public policy 180
and beneWciaries of social
spending618 19
and institutional constraints560 1
and dealing with ambivalence 253
and public policy 902
Clean Air Act Amendments (USA,
1990 )844 5
Clean Air Act (USA, 1977 ) 349 n 14
clientelism, and patronage
relationships680 1
climate change:
and ethical questions717 20
subject index 939