political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
developments340 1
emergent properties340 1
endogenous core 339
exogenous inXuences 339
feedback loops339 40
and understanding change336 7
see alsopolicy change

Earned Income Tax Credit program
(USA) 308
Economic Commission for Europe 12 13
Economic Development Administration
(USA) 211 , 410 ,564 5
and origins of policy212 13
economic development, and
sustainability725 6
economic growth, and inequality 613 , 614 ,
economic integration, and diminished
democracy thesis242 5
economic policy, and ethical
questions717 20,721 2
economic theory of regulation (ETR)655 6,
662 3
economic valuation:
and commensurability problem756 61
aggregation 757
health care 756 7
preference establishment759 60
quality adjusted life year
(QALY)758 61
utilitarianism758 9
utility of life757 8
andcost beneWt analysis (CBA) 750
and intrinsic value problem761 5,
ordinal incomparability763 4
value of human beings762 3
and valuation problem:
contingent valuation (CV)751 2
criticism of contingent valuation
(CV)752 4
environmental regulation750 5
hedonic pricing 751
marginalism 755
opportunity cost 751
travel cost method 751

see alsocost beneWt analysis; evaluation of
and analytical tools of, cost
analysis736 41
and conceptual tools of730 6
consumer surplus 735
diminishing marginal utility 735
eYciency730 3, 747
Kaldor Hicks compensation
principles733 4
marginal analysis735 6
markets731 2
Pareto criterion731 3
public choice732 3
willingness to pay (WTP)734 6
and policy analysis729 30,741 2
andpublic policy729 30
and welfare economics730 1
assumptions of 730
see alsoeconomism
economics, and constraints on public
policy 530
and allocation of scarce resources529 30
and budget balance constraint530 3
and budget/current account deWcits
534 5
and crowding out 535
and external balance constraint533 4
and globalization535 9
capitalXows535 6
changes in sentiment538 9
‘impossible trinity’ of policy
choices537 8
Washington Consensus536 7
and trade oVs539 40
dealing with540 1
and twin deWcits hypothesis 534
and claims of:
motivation 748
political theory 748
and deWnition of 746 , 750
and economic eYciency748 9
and public discontent with 749
see alsocost beneWt analysis; economic

subject index 947
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