and globalization 590
National Association of Schools of Public
Policy and Administration
National Audit OYce (UK) 153 , 159
National Center for Research Methodology
(NCRM)760 1
National Conference of State Legislatures 41
National Energy Act (USA) 876
National Environmental Restoration
Fund 176
National Health Service 156
and trust 439
national income 534
National Institute for Clinical Excellence
(NICE)760 1
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism 346
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) 339
and oscillating processes 342
National Performance Review (USA)472 3,
National Science Foundation (USA) 44
national society, and creation of institutional
arrangements847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
Natural Gas Policy Act (USA, 1938 ) 878 , 883
Natural Gas Policy Act (USA, 1978 ) 881 , 883 ,
nature, and ethical questions 724 6
negativeincome tax 311
Negotiated Rulemaking Act (USA, 1996 )
and arguing 269
and argumentation/dialogue 270
compared with discussion270 1
getting people to listen 271
joint factWnding 276
reaching new understandings 271
rhetorical methods and
persuasion274 5
structuring the conversation271 2
use of evidence275 6
values disputes272 4
and Best Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (BATNA):
consensus building (mutual gains
approach) 280 , 282
hard bargaining 279
and consensus building269 70,279 80
agreeing to procedures 285
application in public arena290 2
ConXict Assessment 285
convening284 5,396 7
decision making 286
deliberation285 6
implementation 286
role of professional neutrals288 90
and hard bargaining 269 ,276 7
bluYng 278
getting attention 278
impact of outrageous demands278 9
power in 279
process of 277
in two party situations 277
use of threats277 8
and integrative solutions 114 n 8
and interests 272
and multi party/issue negotiations 270 ,
283 4
and mutual gains approach:
anticipating implementation
problems282 3
cultural context 283
organizational learning 270
policy shifts 270
preparation 280
psychological traps 283
value creation280 2
value distribution 282
and public dispute mediation 270
and Zone of Possible Agreement
(ZOPA) 278
Neighborhood Revitalization Program
(Minnesota)675 6
subject index 961