neoliberal ideology 449
‘supermarket state’ 448
and policy sciences 50
and smart policy 449
eVects on456 60
preconditions for452 6
and smart practice 463
and spread of 351
and underdeveloped ideas behind 452
and United Kingdom:
Next Steps agencies 159 , 450 , 456 , 459
reform phases 450
and United States, Reinventing
Government450 1
see alsocollaborative governance
New York, and rebuilding of lower
Manhattan678 80
New York City’s Parks Department, and
collaborative governance 511
New York Port Authority678 80
New Zealand, and New Public
Management449 50, 451 , 454 , 456 ,
457 , 459 , 462 , 463
Next Steps agencies (UK) 159 , 450 , 456 , 459
Nigeria, and human rights protection 13
non decisions 220 1, 232 , 558
non delegation doctrine 236 7, 396
non governmental organizations (NGOs),
and agenda setting 247
see alsocollaborative governance; public
non proWt organizations 50
and accountability 183
and challenges for:
information problems489 90
pricing490 1
quality control 491
and distributive responsibility 393
and funding of487 8
by government 181
and increasing role of 171
and provision of services 487
see alsocollaborative governance; public
private interaction
and regulatory regimes 654
and state intervention634 6
North American Free Trade Area
(NAFTA) 245 , 246
and New Public Management 458
and welfare state 871
notions,seecultural notions
nuclear deterrence 26
nuclear operations research:
as belief system 775
and nuclear systems analysis772 3
see alsonuclear systems analysis
Nuclear Posture Review (USA) 773
nuclear power:
and policy processes 198
and policy making 156
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 14
nuclear strategy:
and assured destruction 779
and credibility 777
and deterrence 777
arbitrary assumptions of791 2
and rationality of 778
and second strike capability777 8
see alsonuclear systems analysis
nuclear systems analysis:
and abstract modeling:
conventionalization of nuclear
weapons 798
creation of new realities 7756 , 798
ascreator of ‘nuclear world’774 5,
799 800
decrease in security 800
distancing from reality 775 , 798
as driver of conXictual contest 799 800
mystiWcation 798
reduction in accountability 798
as self fulWlling construction798 9
and aims of 784 , 797
and belief in795 7
as policy neutral 796
as belief system 775
and claims for796 7
and criticism of 774 , 795
and decision making 774
impact of 776
and Draft Presidential Memorandums
(DPMs) 780
subject index 963