Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1

While Wireshark is capturing packets, let's generate some traffic that we're interested
in analyzing. Run the RFC_downloader.py RFC downloader program in a terminal
to download RFC 2324:

$ python3 RFC_downloader.py 2324


Network Working Group L. Masinter

Request for Comments: 2324 1 April 1998

Category: Informational


Once the download has run, return to Wireshark and stop the capture by clicking
on the Stop button in the toolbar. If something goes awry with the capture, don't
worry, we can try it again; just stop the capture, then click on the Start a new live
capture button in the toolbar, and don't save changes to the previous capture when
prompted. When it's running, run RFC_downloader.py again. Once you have a
capture that contains the RFC downloader traffic, let's take a closer look at it.

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