Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1

You'll notice some extra lines for this packet in the middle section. The line that
refers to reassembled TCP segments indicates that the HTTP response was actually
large enough to be broken across four TCP packets. Wireshark recognized this and
reassembled the full HTTP packet by combining the relevant TCP packets, so when
we click on the Hypertext Transport Protocol line, we see the whole HTTP packet.

If you don't see this, you may need to switch it on in the options menu.
Go to Edit | Preferences... to bring up the preference window, then
expand Protocols in the list on the left-hand side of the screen, and scroll
down and find HTTP. Make sure that both the options that mention
spanning multiple TCP segments are checked.

Finally, the Line-based text data line shows us the response content media type
(described in Chapter 2, HTTP and Working with the Web), and expanding the line
shows us the text data of the body of the response.

A versatile tool

As you'll probably notice from browsing the menus, Wireshark is a very feature-rich
network analyzer, and we've barely even scratched the surface of its full capabilities.
I encourage you to keep it handy as you work with this book, and do use it wherever
you'd like to take a closer look at the data being sent or received over the network.

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