Programming in C

(Barry) #1

300 Chapter 13 The Preprocessor

defined as 1 , the preceding statement has the effect of assigning 1 to gameOver.The pre-
processor statement
#define NO 0
defines the name NOand makes its subsequent use in the program equivalent to specify-
ing the value 0 .Therefore, the statement
gameOver = NO;
assigns the value of NOto gameOver, and the statement
if ( gameOver == NO )
compares the value of gameOveragainst the defined value of NO.Just about the only
place that you cannotuse a defined name is inside a character string; so the statement
char *charPtr = "YES";
setscharPtrpointing to the string "YES"and not to the string "1".
A defined name is nota variable.Therefore, you cannot assign a value to it, unless the
result of substituting the defined value is in fact a variable.Whenever a defined name is
used in a program, whatever appears to the right of the defined name in the #define
statement gets automatically substituted into the program by the preprocessor. It’s analo-
gous to doing a search and replace with a text editor; in this case, the preprocessor
replaces all occurrences of the defined name with its associated text.
Notice that the #definestatement has a special syntax:There is no equal sign used to
assign the value 1 to YES. Furthermore, a semicolon does notappear at the end of the
statement. Soon, you will understand why this special syntax exists. But first, take a look
at a small program that uses the YESand NOdefines as previously illustrated.The function
isEvenin Program 13.1 simply returns YESif its argument is even and NOif its argument
is odd.

Program 13.1 Introducing the #defineStatement
#include <stdio.h>

#define YES 1
#define NO 0

// Function to determine if an integer is even

int isEven (int number)
int answer;

if ( number % 2 == 0 )
answer = YES;
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