Programming in C

(Barry) #1
446 Appendix A C Language Summary

5.8 Assignment Operators

Given that
lv is a modifiable lvalueexpression, whose type is not qualified as
op is any operator that can be used as an assignment operator (see Table
a is an expression;
then the expression
lv = a stores the value of ainto lv;
lv op= a applies opto lvand a, storing the result in lv.
In the first expression, if ais one of the basic data types (except void), it is converted to
match the type of lv. If lvis a pointer,amust be a pointer to the same type as lv,a
voidpointer, or the nullpointer.
If lvis a voidpointer,acan be of any pointer type.The second expression is treated
as if it were written lv = lv op(a), except lvis only evaluated once (consider
x[i++] += 10).

5.9 Conditional Operators

Given that
a, b, c are expressions;
then the expression
a? b : c has as its value bif ais nonzero, and cotherwise; only expression bor
cis evaluated.
Expressions band cmust be of the same data type. If they are not, but are both arith-
metic data types, the usual arithmetic conversions are applied to make their types the
same. If one is a pointer and the other is zero, the latter is taken as a null pointer of the
same type as the former. If one is a pointer to voidand the other is a pointer to another
type, the latter is converted to a pointer to void, and that is the resulting type.

5.10 Type Cast Operator

Given that
type is the name of a basic data type, an enumerated data type (preceded by
the keyword enum), a typedef-defined type, or is a derived data type;
a is an expression;
then the expression
( type ) converts ato the specified type.

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