Programming in C

(Barry) #1
file I/O operations 517

enumerated data types
C language specifications, 438
defining, 321-324
Using Enumerated Data Types (14.1),
enumeration constants, C language
specifications, 430
EOF values, getchar( ) function, 362
equal to (= =) operator, 46-50
equal_strings( ) function, 204
errors in programming,
troubleshooting, 497-500
escape characters, 216-218
escape sequences, C language
specifications, 428-429
evaluating order of operators, 442
Evaluating Simple Expressions
(Program 6.8), 80-82
.exe filename extension, 9
exf( ) function, 484
exfc( ) function, 484
exit( ) function, 490
programs, terminating, 370-371
loops, 62
programs, 490
exp( ) function, 484
expml( ) function, 484
C language specifications, 439
constant expressions, 442-443
summary table, 440-442
character constants in, 227-230
constant, 23
data types, conversion order, 327-329
pointers, 239-240
structures, 168-171
extensions (filenames), 9

external variables
defining, 337
modules, communicating between,
versus static variables, 339-340

fabs( ) function, 484
factorial( ) function, 159
fclose( ) function, 474
files, closing, 365-367
fdim( ) function, 484
feof( ) function, 474
testing files for EOF conditions,
ferror( ) function, 474
fflush( ) function, 474
fgetc( ) function, 474
fgetpos( ) function, 474
fgets( ) function, 474
files, reading to, 368
Fibonacci numbers, generating,
Generating Fibonacci Numbers Using
Va r iable-Length Arrays (Program 7.8),
field width specification, triangular
number output, 51
fields, omitting in for loops, 55
File Copy Program Using
Command-Line Arguments
(Program 17.1), 382-383
file I/O operations
fclose( ) function, 365-367
feof( ) function, 367-368
fgets( ) function, 368
fopen( ) function, 363-364
fprint( ) function, 368
fputs( ) function, 368
getc( ) function, 365

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