How to Study

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 4 ■How to Organize Your TIme 81

Where Does Your Time Go?

Hrs./Day Days/Wk Hrs./Wk

Meals 7
(including prep
and cleanup)

Sleeping 7
(including naps)

Grooming 7

Commuting 5?

Errands 7

Extracurricular ___

Part- or full- ___
time job

In class ___

Entertainment* ___

*Hanging with friends, going out, watching TV, reading for pleasure, etc.

Fill in the first column, multiply by the second, then total the third
column. There are 168 hours in a week (24 x 7). How many do
you currently have left for studying? Note: Any answer that
contains a minus is a badsign.

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