The Most Important 15 Minutes of Your Day
Set aside 15 minutes every day to go over your daily and weekly
priorities. While many businesspeople like to make this the first 15
minutes of their day, I recommend making it the last 15 minutes of
your day. Why? Three great reasons:
- Your ideas will be fresher. It’s easier to analyze at the end
of the day what you’ve accomplished...and haven’t. - It’s a great way to end the day. Even if your “study day”
ends at 11 p.m., you’ll feel fully prepared for the next day and
ready to relax, anxiety-free. - You’ll get off to a great start the next morning. If you
use the morning to plan, it’s easy to turn a 15-minute planning
session into an hour of aimless “thinking.” While others are
fumbling for a cup of coffee, you’re off and running!
Chapter 4 ■ How to Organize Your TIme 93