H Social sciences (sociology, business, economics)
J Political sciences
L Education
M Music
N Fine arts (art and architecture)
P Language/Literature
Q Sciences
R Medicine
S Agriculture
T Technology
U Military science
V Naval science
Z Bibliography/Library science
Using Online Resources
There’s so much material on the Internet, it’s easy to be over-
whelmed. While it can be extremely helpful to have access to some
obscure websites that have just the material you need, especially
when a book or two you want to take notes from has disappeared
from the library, I am still convinced that most of you will waste too
much time if the majority of your research is done online. I can attest
from far too much personal experience that it is ridiculously easy to
get sidetracked when doing research online. “Wow, I didn’t know
there were that many cool sites about bungee jumping. I’d better
check them out...right now!”
Chapter 6 ■How to Conduct Your Research 129