eading this chapter will not make you such a good writer that
you can quit school and start visiting bookstores to preen in
front of the window displays featuring your latest bestseller.
But there is absolutely no reason to fear a written paper or oral
report, once you know the simple steps to take and rules to follow
to complete it satisfactorily. Once you realize that 90 percent of
preparing a paper has nothing to do with writing...or even being
able to write. And once you’re confident that preparing papers by
following my suggestions will probably get you a grade or two higher
than you’ve gotten before...even if you think you are the world’s
poorest excuse for a writer.
Doing a research paper requires a lot of work. But the payoff is great,
too. You will learn, for example:
■ How to track down information about anysubject.
■ How to sort through that information and come to a
conclusion about your subject.
■ How to prepare an organized, indepth report.
■ How to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively.
Chapter 7
How to Write
Terrific Papers