How to Study

(Michael S) #1

Step 5: Do Detailed Research

We’ve already reviewed library and online resources and how to take
advantage of them. Now, let’s talk about exactly how you’ll keep track
of all the resources and information you’ll gather for your paper.

There are two steps involved. First, you’ll create bibliography cards
for each source you want to review. Then, you’ll transfer all the infor-
mation from your bibliography cards to a single list—your working

This two-step method has been around since someone wrote the first
research paper, and with good reason: It works! It helps you conduct
your research in an organized, efficient manner andmakes preparing
your final bibliography easier.

To create your working bibliography, you’ll need a supply of 3  5
index cards. You’ll also use index cards when you take notes for your
paper, so buy a big batch now. About 300 cards ought to suffice.
While you’re at it, pick up one of those little file boxes designed
to hold the cards. Put your name, address, and phone number on
the file. If you lose it, some kind stranger can (and hopefully will)
return it.

Start a systematic search for any materials that might have informa-
tion related to your paper. When you find a book, article, or other
resource that looks promising, take out a blank note card. On the front
of the card, write down the following information:

In the upper right-hand corner of the card: Write the library call
number (Dewey decimal number or Library of Congress number), if
there is one, or the complete URL. Add any other detail that will help
you locate the material on the library shelves (e.g., Science Reading
Room, Reference Room, Microfiche Periodicals Room). And make
sure to write down the completewebsite address.

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