You may, however, wind up with cards that just don’t fit. If you’re
convinced they have no place in your paper, don’t attempt to
shoehorn them in anyway. Put them aside. As Johnny Cochran
might proclaim, “If they blow the flow, those cards must go.”
What If You Get Stuck?
Got writer’s block already? Here are a few tricks to get you unstuck:
■ Pretend you’re writing to a good friend. Just tell him or her
everything you’ve learned about your subject and why you
believe your thesis is correct.
■ Use everyday language. Too many people get so hung up on
using fancy words and phrases that they forget that their goal
is to communicate. Simpler is better.
■ Just do it. Type something...anything. Once you have written
that first paragraph—even if it’s a really badfirst paragraph—
your brain will start to generate spontaneous ideas.
■ Don’t edit yourself! As you write your rough draft, don’t
keep beating yourself up with negative thoughts, such as
“This sounds really stupid” or “I’m a terrible writer. Why
can’t I express that better?” Remember: Your goal is a rough
draft—it’s supposed to stink a bit.
■ Keep moving. If you get hung up in a particular section, don’t
sit there stewing over it for hours— or even for many minutes.
Just write a quick note about what you plan to cover in that
section, then go on to the next section. Force yourself to
make it all the way through your paper, with as few stops
as possible.
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