Whom Are You Impressing on Your Way Out?
Leave time at the end to recheck your answers, and don’tmake a habit
of leaving tests early. There is little to be gained from supposedly
impressing the teacher and other students with how smart you (think
you) are by being first to finish. Take the time to make sure you’ve
done your best. If you are completely satisfied with your answers
to all of the questions, it’s fine to leave, even if you are first. But in
general, slowing down will help you avoid careless mistakes.
Likewise, don’t worry about what everybody else is doing. Even if
you’re the last person left, who cares? Everybody else could have
failed, no matter how early and confidently they strode from the
room! So take all the time you need and do the best you can.
16 Tips for “Acing” Multiple-Choice Tests
1.Read the question in full before you look at any of the
answers. Come up with your own answer before examining
any of the choices.
2.Be careful you don’t read too much into questions. Don’t try
to second-guess the test preparer and look for patterns or
tricks that aren’t really there.
3.Underline the key words in a reading selection.
4.A positive choice is more likely to be correct than a negative
5.Don’t go against your first impulse unless you are sure you
were wrong. (Sometimes you’re so smart you scare yourself.)
6.Check for negatives and other words that are there to throw
you off. (“Which of the following is not....”)
Chapter 8 ■ How to Study for Tests 191