ersonally, I’ll read anything handy, just to be able to read
something. But the fact that I have always loved to read didn’t
make it any easier to face some of those deadly textbook
reading assignments. As a student, you inevitably will be required, as
I was, to spend hours poring through ponderous, fact-filled, convoluted
reading assignments for subjects that are required, but not exactly
You may love reading for pleasure but have trouble reading textbook
assignments for certain subjects. You may get the reading done but
forget what you’ve read nearly as quickly as you read it. Or you just
may hate the thought of sitting still to read anything. Whatever kind
of student you are—and whatever your level of reading skill—this
chapter will help you surmount your reading challenge.
And that includes, for those of you long out of school, reading those
nap-inducing business tomes, trade magazine articles, and other
work-related stuff that’s rarely reader-friendly.
Chapter 3
How to Read
and Remember