Consider the potential that this vision holds: We are all con-
nected, part of the oneness of the universe. It is a point of
orientation on which mystics and scientists, faith and logic,
can agree. Although feng shui is not actually considered a
spiritual practice or religion, it is a subtle and intuitive art that
may ultimately enhance your spiritual beliefs. Furthermore, it
is clear that the principles of energy are operating in our lives
whether or not we are consciously attuned to them. Through
feng shui, we can purposefully regulate the flow of positive
energy in our environment and as a result enhance our lives.
What is the basic philosophy of feng shui? What is chi? Can you explain
the concept of an “energy bubble?” What is the practical application
of feng shui?
A good reader should be reading fast or very fast and have gotten at
least three of the four questions correct. (Look back at the selection
to find the answers.)
What Decreases Speed/Comprehension
■ Reading aloud or moving your lips when you read.
■ Reading mechanically—using your finger to follow words,
moving your head as you read.
■ Applying the wrong kindof reading to the material.
■ Lacking sufficient vocabulary.
To Increase Reading Speed
■ Focus your attention and concentration.
■ Eliminate outside distractions.
■ Provide for an uncluttered, comfortable environment.
Chapter 3 ■How to Read and Remember 63