
(Jacob Rumans) #1

60 10.2017VIEW WITH A ROOMPHOTO BY HAILEY HIRST``````OGLE THE HEAVENS FROM YOUR PORCHSTARGAZE YURTBOISE NATIONAL FOREST, IDAHO``````Poke your head out the front door of this hut for a view of thePayette River Valley set in front of the Sawtooths—or do asits name implies and wait for evening to spot constellations.To up the ante, head .3 mile west to Stargaze Point, situatedanother hundred feet above the yurt, where the view goes allthe way around.To get to the small shelter (sleeps six), follow the StargazeTrail roughly 1.2 miles from the Beaver Creek Summit Park N’Ski on ID 21. Scan for a yellow blaze and then head the final .2mile through the pines to the yurt. Inside, find a wood-burning``````stove, a gas stove, and solar-powered LED lights. Since Star-gaze Hut’s large deck faces east, plan an early wake-up forthe sunrise over the 10,000-foot Sawtooths. After, explore thearea’s 50-mile trail system; head down to West Fork BeaverCreek for an easy day trip to summer wildflowers. In winter,the avy-savvy can carve tracks into the north-facing slopesoff 6,682-foot Stargaze Point.``````Trailhead Beaver Creek Summit Park N’ Ski Season Ye a r-round (snowshoe or ski in winter) Red tape The yurt is closedfor repairs until the first snow of 2017; check availability withIdaho Parks & Rec. Amenities Bunks with mattresses; futons;wood-burning stove; two-burner stove (BYO propane); cook-ware Reservation Starting at $55/person; reserve onlineContact``````Time your trip to Stargaze Yurtfor the new moon whenskies are darkest: November 18or December 17 this year.

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