Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

  1. F. Freiligrath, Briefwechsel mit Marx und Engels 1 1 34.

  2. Jenny Marx to Weydemeyer, MEW XXVII 607.

  3. Quoted in, F. Mehring, Karl Marx, p. 227.

  4. MEW XXVIII 30.

  5. Ibid., 147.

  6. Ibid., 377.

  7. Jenny Marx to Bertha Markheim, in B. Andreas, Dokumente, p. 176.

  8. Ibid.

  9. MEW XXVIII 393.

  10. W. Liebknecht, Karl Marx. Biographical Memoirs, pp. 129 ff.

  11. Ibid., p. 146.

  12. Ibid., pp. 149 ff.

  13. Archiv fiir die Geschichte des Sozialismus, x (1922) pp. 56 ff.

  14. Reminiscences of Marx and Engels, p. 228.

  15. Jenny Marx, 'Short Sketch of an Eventful Life', Reminiscences, p. 228.

  16. Ibid., p. 227.

  17. MEW XXVIII 527.

  18. MEW XXVII 536.

  19. MEW xxvn 293.

  20. MEW XXVIII 370.

  21. Ibid. 410.

  22. MEW xxvm 442.

  23. W. Liebknecht, Karl Marx. Biographical Memoirs, p. 123.

  24. Reminiscences, p. 227.

  25. There is a quite exceptional gap in the Marx-Engels correspondence of two
    weeks either side of Frederick's birth date.

  26. Nimm was Lenchen's nickname. The whole Marx family had a great attrac-
    tion to nicknames: Marx himself was usually Mohr or Moor (from his dark
    complexion); Engels was General (from his military studies); and Eleanor
    was Tussy (to rhyme with pussy).

  27. The letter is quoted in full in A. Kunzli, Karl Marx, Eine Psychographie, pp.
    326 ff. Further on Frederick Demuth, see R. Payne, Karl Marx, final chapter;
    Y. Kapp, Eleanor Marx (London, 1972); D. Heisler, 'Ungeliebter Sohn', Der
    Spiegel, 23 Nov 1972.

  28. MEW xxv 11 566.

  29. MEW xxvm 54.

  30. Reminiscences of Marx and Engels, p. 239.

  31. MEW xxv in 161 f.

  32. Ibid. 327.

  33. Quoted in A. Kunzli, Karl Marx. Eine Psychographie, pp. 320 ff.

  34. MEW XXVIII 527.

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