154 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
contributor to Josh Marshall’s TPM Cafe. He also blogs at ToddGitlin.com. In a new low for
tendentious, pro-Obama pseudo-journalism, Gitlin was contacted April 18, 2008, by The New
Republic to respond to Sen. Obama’s Philadelphia cover-up speech about his hate-spewing pastor,
Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Gitlin had endorsed Obama on February 4, 2008.
Paul Booth is yet another founder and former National Secretary of Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) and former President of Chicago’s Citizen Action Program (CAP), formed in 1969
by trainees from counterinsurgent Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), according to
Discover the Networks. Booth is a labor skate, acting as assistant to Gerald McEntee, president of
the public employees union AFSCME.
In 1973, “radical activists” Booth and his wife, Heather Booth, founded The Midwest Academy
(MA), a “training organization ... for a variety of leftist causes and organizations,” which
“describes itself as ‘one of the nation’s oldest and best known schools for community
organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.’”
This is the usual coded language for local control/ community control counterinsurgency. Not
surprisingly, one of The Midwest Academy’s funders is the Woods Foundation of Chicago, on
whose board Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) served 1999 to December 2002 as a paid director with
domestic terrorist William Ayers. In 1999, The Midwest Academy received a $75,000 grant
from the Woods Fund. In 2002, The Midwest Academy received $23,500 for its Young
Organizers Development Program. Additionally, in February 2004 Paul Booth contributed $500
to Obama’s 2004 senatorial campaign.’ (“One-degree of separation: Obama’s ultra-leftist
backers,” Rezkowatch, Monday, April 28, 2008)
Obama’s top handler David Axelrod told NPR that it was a mistake to rely on white working
class voters in the first place. In a statement dripping with elitist class prejudice, Axelrod observed:
“The white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even
to the Clinton years. This is not new that Democratic candidates don’t rely solely on those votes.”
This is simply factually wrong, since Bill Clinton won many of these voters. Obama’s campaign
manager David Plouffe was even more categorical that blue collar workers were out of reach. But
these were after all registered Democratic voters that Obama was losing in a Democratic primary.
These very damning statements illustrate the thesis of this book that Obama hates and resents white
working families and blue collar voters. Since white working people represent the absolute majority
of the US population, one must wonder by what system Axelrod hopes to win a general election.
Again, the conclusion must be that Obama really has no plan to win a general election, but will
hope for help from police state forces in the form of scandals which will conveniently destroy his
opponent. This is, after all, the main reason Obama is in the US Senate in the first place – ask the
hapless Trilateral victims Marson Blair Hull and Jack Ryan.
The Woods Fund of Chicago, with Ayers and Obama on the board for several years before 2002,
appears to function as a funding conduit for certain US-controlled or US-influenced factions of the
highly factionalized and crisis-ridden Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian Authority.
Whether these US-manipulated factions are violent or moderate is less important than the fact that
they represent CIA tentacles inside the PLO. The fact that various Palestinian or PLO factions are
controlled by foreign states is, or ought to be, well-known. The Soviets had some of these factions.